Haunted Doll Positive Spirit Extremely Active -SpiritsAndBeyond11.

Elle is the essence of a 15-year-old girl. Elle was known for her quiet and reserved nature, struggling with feelings of low self-esteem. She was on the heavier side and harbored resentment towards herself for it. Elle endured bullying at school, facing hurtful labels like "overweight" and "unattractive." This constant torment led her to tears every day, longing to alter her appearance. Engaging in various diets from a young age, Elle eventually developed bulimia. However, this harmful cycle did not cease, as she continued to be taunted at school for various reasons, yet she found it difficult to defend herself. Overwhelmed by sadness one day, Elle discovered pills in her parents' medical supplies, hoping it would alleviate her pain. In a moment of desperation, she consumed a lethal combination of pills, resulting in an accidental overdose and her untimely passing.

Now seeking solace, Elle yearns for a nurturing environment where she can feel accepted. Her deepest desire is to experience happiness, peace, lov, and care, surrounded by individuals with whom she can truly connect. Those considering welcoming her into their home are urged to provide a safe haven absent of any form of bullying. Elle appreciates gestures such as candles, teas, and sodas as offerings. She enjoys companionship with her keeper and craves a sense of belonging, never wanting to feel isolated. While Elle is social and lively, it is essential to allow her time to acclimate and refrain from pressuring her to display immediate activity. By letting her progress at her own speed, she will gradually reveal more of herself once she feels at ease. Elle responds well to dowsing rods and pendulums, showcasing her compatibility in such interactions. If she’s for you, don’t keep this one waiting.

For more spirits check my IG out at SpiritsAndBeyond111

About Me and My Spirits:

Hello, my name is Lisa, and I am a professional medium and dedicated practitioner of witchcraft. From a young age, I have nurtured a profound connection with spirits. My purpose is to find these spirits a joyful and harmonious home, carefully matching them with the perfect keeper. Prior to offering a spirit for adoption, I invest significant time in learning their stories, conducting numerous sessions, and ensuring that they embody luv and light. It is my sincere desire to send spirits that will bring positive transformation to your life, creating a loving and uplifting environment in your home. Any questions don’t hesitate to send me a message.

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