Buddha Leklai Phra Somdej Amulet Wat Rakang 7 Color Powerful Protection Pendant

Condition/ good condition
Material/ rainbow Leklai Gold Micron Frame
Size / approx 3 x 5 cm
Colour / 7 colours
Quantity/ 1 pc
According to Buddhist belief, the virtues of Phra Somdej Wat Rakhang will help one to have goodwill, find popularity, avoid disasters, be invulnerable, and have good fortune."
Seven colored iron descent It is the top-class rainbow Leklai in the rainbow Leklai series and is very rare to find. be invulnerable The best against demons and creates an illusion that makes the enemy look at us as someone else or cannot be seen This seven colored Leklai can be grown (sprouted) by raising honey. Honey is usually consumed during full moon nights. And in the morning it was washed with pure water again for about 2-3 months, it is evident in the growth of this type of iron. Among the Lek Nam Nueng can determine 7 colors in the true nature of this type of psychic element It was found that there were 7 colors, purple, indigo, blue, green, yellow, red, and also had a gold finish. and pure white silver
These remade are separate and independent. Will meet together, only the 7-colored Lek Lai nest. can be considered excellent Above all remade Because 7 colors of Lek Lai have combined the power of Lek Lai, but each type of color is combined together. Therefore, it is the source of the ultimate Lek Lai, prestige. It can be said that Lek Lai 7 colors have merit in every aspect, including charm, great mercy, and life protection. Protection from evil spirits, giving good fortune and avoiding all dangers. Something that can be compared to anything else, it is penance, suitable for those who practice charisma, has 108 powers, and has 7 colors of iron. The one who occupies it will be successful in work. able to overcome all obstacles The prestige of the 7 colors of Lek Lai has both the Brahma and hermits taking care of it. With the virtue of worshiping Lek Lai 7 colors, it has infinite value, so many knowledgeable people try. Looking for this type of remade to occupy. But it's hard to find because there are very few in nature. A ton of remade iron nests May be found only a small part of the 7-color color. Those who have this kind of remade metal will escape from various dangers. Free from evil spirits, unable to harm the owner. Because the prestige of 7 colors of Lek Lai makes the mind, thoughts and physical health strong, followed by 7 colors of Lek Lai. It is considered to be of great value to those who practice Suitable for all ages put together against ghosts, devils, prevent fortune telling, destiny is broken, prevent infusions at funerals, weddings or who will take their lives This kind of psychic element has Buddha's qualities in it. which human beings have not been able to consecrate over Teachers or knowledgeable people use this kind of psychic mineral to make holy water to cure various diseases. The karma that has not yet come to us can be prevented. But if it's hit, then the chance that you think it's more difficult to wear and disappear.
The power of Leklai
Everyone says that the power is very sacred. Most often it is buried by the person who owns it. Nothing can harm that person. Knives, guns, bombs, or even gunpowder of any kind cannot be stuck in areas where metal is present. In addition, according to ancient beliefs, it is said that Leklai can be divided into three levels as follows:

The first level, Lek Lai, has a shiny appearance. The burnt part can be stretched. It is considered to be the part that has the most power, such as Leklai Winged Insects or Leklai Kothapi. Leklai Ngern Yuang or Leklai Chee Pa Khao Black Diamond Leklai Eel belly leklai
The second level, the Leklai nest, has a shiny appearance next to the Leklai itself. Unable to heat and stretch out. It is the part that covers Leklai's body. It is the base for Leklai that is hard and tight, attached to the cave wall, such as Kot Leklai, Koh Larn ore, Tamarind seed ore, Leklai tough.
Level three: Cassia Lai: similar in appearance to candle wax, matte black, hard, but can easily be smashed. It is caused by the movement of leklai through there and becomes cassava. There is no effect.
Scientifically, it can be said that Leklai is metal or any other material that has a low melting point. Occurs naturally, such as meteorites from outer space. Silicates from beneath the earth and materials that humans can synthesize, such as mercury and gallium, which can melt at room temperature. Or it could be some other alloy. The colors of Leklai are iridescent when exposed to sunlight or light. This is caused by interference in the thin film (Thin-Film Interference), which is the interference of light reflected from the material.

Leklai cutting ceremony
It is a ritual that has been passed down since ancient times. The equipment used will be different according to the master who has the knowledge to determine only the important parts in cutting Leklai. Those who can perform the Lek Lai cutting ceremony must be virtuous, behave well, and firmly maintain the precepts. There is no greedy heart. You must first ask permission from the divine guardian. Once permission is received, then proceed with the cutting ceremony. Otherwise, if we disobey by force and intend to seize by force, Have pride in the magic It may cause death. Or there was conflict among the group to the point that disaster was caused by the power of the god who guards Leklai itself.

Worshiping Leklai with magic spells
Worshiping Leklai according to belief will be worshiped using magic spells. which Leklai is sacred It has miraculous powers only if the worshiper has faith. Have faith in the power of the psychic elements. and to the teachers who have transmitted the magic spells Anyone who owns Leklai is considered lucky. above all else Success in life will happen. We must be the creators ourselves. Sacred things cannot be created. But it will be a tool to help guide you to find good luck, escape from danger, and safety. Important things we should always remember: All people are subject to the law of karma. There is karma as a species. There is karma. Let us accept that karma. Whether it is good karma or not good Always be mindful so that you do not lose the balance of your life.

Types of Leklai
Leklai is considered a sacred amulet that Thai people have known and have owned for a long time. Who knows that in fact there isn't just one type of Leklai? But there are other types of steel. which are divided according to dignity and origin as well

Leklai Kotipi This type of Leklai is considered to be the rarest type of Leklai and is the most powerful and magical of all Leklai. It is difficult to cut. If the person who cuts it does not perform the cutting ceremony well, it can lead to death. Including storage is also difficult. This type of Leklai will not harden naturally. It has a shiny green color similar to the wings of a beetle. Another name that is known is Leklai Winged Insect. There was an overlapping rainbow sparkle. Moreover, the color of this type of Leklai that we see will not stay still. You can change the color by yourself continuously. Later, the matter of weight could not be determined. His strengths also cannot be determined.
Leklai Chao Pa This type of Leklai is similar in power to Leklai Kotipi. It looks similar to onyx. It is another type of Leklai that is hard to find and does not harden naturally. It is also known as Phaya Saming Lek. It is believed that Leklai Chao Pa will have a deity who protects the forest come to protect this Leklai Chao Pa as well.
Fire Leklai This type of Leklai is different from other types in that it has a very high amount of fire element energy. It has a red color similar to blood. The flesh of the Leklai will be clear in color. If and when the fire leklai has decreased energy or there is little left The color of the leklai will change to a color similar to that of clay bricks. Recommended.
that it should not be implanted in the body Because it is a very hot steel. It is said that this type of Leklai absorbs heat from lava beneath the earth. It also absorbs various toxins. of animals into themselves as well In addition, this type of leklai also has another name. Leklai Sankai
Lek Lai Ngern Yuang This type of Leklai usually exists in areas with cool weather. And the temperature is very cold. There is another name called White Chee Lai Leklai Found mostly in Nepal, Tibet, or countries with a relatively cold climate and snow. The color of Lek Lai Ngern Yuang is white. It has a characteristic similar to mercury. shiny like metal It is believed that the spirit that resides in Leklai Ngernyuang is usually Chi Pa Khao. Or the people who take care of this type of Leklai.
Leklai Water: This type of Leklai has a lumpy appearance. Greenish black, similar to onyx. But in some areas, Lek Lai may be found in water that has a reddish-brown color. There is another name called Lek Lai Tham Which can be found in areas that are water sources. Use a magnet to lure the iron out. But it is considered to be another type of Leklai that is quite rare. Most people do not know much about this type of leklai. In ancient times, water leklai was simmered with magic spells. It is then molded into a powerful object. or cast into a Buddha statue Mostly, the most lek lai can be found in Nong Khai Province. The area of Khao Kwai and Tham Phiang Din It is a leklai that has the spirit of the Naga to protect it.
Wet Leklai This type of Leklai has a color similar to Leklai Ngern Yuang. But this wet Leklai can change color.
Descent of leklai germinated This type of Leklai can harden naturally. It is different from Lek Lai which is liquid. For descendants, Leklai german is a secondary type of Leklai. Can be cut easily without using any magic skills. You can take it out right away. But there must be a ceremony to ask the owner to look after and protect Leklai as well. If you don't ask and bring it, it may cause sexual harm. Or bad things can happen. Some cases may even lead to death.
Extremely tough Leklai This type of Leklai has power and power that is similar to that of its contemporaries. Including germination as well. But the toughest Leklai will grow into a lump. They do not grow out like stalagmites and stalactites. And when the leklai germinates, the size of the leklai will gradually increase. In addition, this extremely tough Leklai is also a cold mineral or cold mineral, very suitable to be used to help with meditation and penance. Practice Samatha Meditation Because this extremely tough Leklai will help make you feel calm, refreshed, and help your mind remain calm for a longer time.
Super Leklai Yoi This type of Leklai has a very large size. They range in size from the size of a fist. So it's as big as a jar. The colors of Lek Lai are reddish black, blue, and rainbow colors. It looks similar to a candle that has been burned by fire. and will continue to grow out But it will grow into seeds. Or like a drop of candle It is believed that the spirits inside this type of Leklai are Dharma people, forest kings, secret people, and the spirits that are charged are the spirits of hermits who practiced meditation until their penance was very strong. This Leklai Yoi can be found mostly in Prasat District. Surin Province
Leklai Drip: This type of Leklai has the same characteristics as the name suggests, similar in pattern to candle tears that have been burned and then drip down. But the size is as big as the sub-class Leklai. It is matte black, has a porous and hollow shape. It is also called Lek Yot or Lek Khob. Moreover, this type of Leklai is not classified as a sub-class of Leklai. It is not in the same group as Leklai Namnueng either. The Lek Lai Drop is of very low quality. The drop size is equal to 1 index inch or may have many characteristics. What can be seen is that it is similar to candle tears. Some are round. Can be found mostly in Prasat District. Surin Province as well.

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