Bamboo Extract 

Bamboo silica is a silica-rich extract derived from bamboo leaves and stalks. 
Bamboo Silica Extract have many benefits:
  • Skin health
    Bamboo silica extract helps the body absorb essential minerals such as calcium, potassium, and magnesium. It can also improve skin strength and elasticity, and protect the skin from irritation and inflammation. Bamboo silica can also help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, and pigmentation.
  • Hair health
    Bamboo silica extract can strengthen hair follicles, promote growth and thickness, and improve overall hair health. It can also nourish follicles, improve your scalp, and reduce greys and hair damage.
  • Bone health
    Bamboo silica extract is as essential for bone health as calcium. It can improve bone density and flexibility, and naturally increase the body's own presence of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and boron.
  • Other benefits
    Bamboo silica extract can increase collagen production, enhance circulation of blood and oxygen to the skin and scalp, and naturally stimulate the formation of hyaluronic acid.