These are yellow vinyl backgrounds I've replicated from original, new old stock, NOS Honda backgrounds.

The backgrounds in this listing are for the 1985-1987 XR80 and XR100.

You will receive a set of yellow backgrounds (front, left side, right side). Message me if you want a different colour. The original, new old stock, NOS Honda backgrounds, the bike or the plastics are not included.

Look up 1985 XR250 RF RESTORATION for my credentials and cool bike stuff.

www xr250 co uk

Applying backgrounds to your headlamp surround and side panels

Read instructions twice

Need:- washing up bowl, water, washing up liquid, hair dryer and patience (take your time!)

Take your side panel off your bike.

Fill a third of your washing up bowl with water and a little squirt of washing up liquid (the stuff you wash your dishes with), mix it up.This allows the background to slide on the side panel and helps you.

Use your hand and drip some of the liquid all over your sidepanel.

Put the background sticky side down into the bowl so it's wet.

Take background and with wet hands place roughly in position.

Start from the middle outwards and using your thumb, finger, heel of your hand gently push, spread the liquid, bubbles out to the edges.Keep checking the overall position of the background.

If need to, you can peel back and add more liquid.

When you’re happy with the overall position, use a hairdryer (not too close in any one spot and not on hottest setting), dry out the background whilst still using your thumb, finger, heel of hand to flatten out bubbles, push out any remaining liquid.

When the background is completely dry and stuck you can use a pin to prick any stubborn bubbles and use your thumb, finger to force the air out and flatten it.

The curved panels are slightly harder to do but not impossible if you take your time.