Do you have a horse lover in the family? They would love to have these on display in their space!
3 Vintage Horse Brasses, as seen in the pic, the horse head inside the horseshoe is on the original leathers, although the buckle portion is missing. The other two are not attached to anything and are as seen in the images.
Each measures 4" top to bottom, aprox 3 " across the faces.

Nice to add to a collection!

We strive for accuracy in our descriptions and will disclose any flaws or issues that we find.  

As always, feel free to try a reasonable  offer on our never know, you might score a deal!
Thanks for looking!

Please see images as they are part of the description.

We will happily combine shipping for multiple purchases.

INTERNATIONAL - Yes, we do sell to other countries. If you don't see a rate, please contact the seller.

We  provide prices and shipping choices for WITH  Insurance and tracking on parcels.

No warranties are implied for this listing or by the seller and you are invited to ask any questions you may have before purchase.

Please note: if you receive a parcel with damaged contents (even though we do pack very well!) proof needs to be provided to the postal authorities for claims. So, you need to provide pictures of the parcel (box), and contents (packaging & padding etc), plus the item, in order for a claim to be considered. Please keep this front of mind for when you receive items!