
I forgot to mention, the original soldered in back up battery was replaced with a proper battery caddy. I've just put a new battery in, so you should be good for many years to come! And when you need to replace it yourself, it's just a five minute job with no soldering required :)


This is my PMA5, Roland's excellent touch screen 8 track sequencer and midi sound module. A direct answer to Yamaha's QY series. 

It's in great condition for its age, and is in fully working condition with a nice clear screen (a bit hard to photo).

It has both the user manual and the laminated quick sheet which lives in a pocket in the padded case. The padded case is bolted to the pma5 and has really helped keep it safe over the years. There's also a stylus which slots into the side of the pma5 (although any stylus will work).

It takes 6 AA batteries (much better than the li-on batteries everything comes with these days). It also comes with a psu.

The whole thing was really well thought out by Roland. Chuck it in your bag with some wired earbuds, and that's all you need!

I used it quite a bit for working out drum patterns and bass lines, but it's just as easy to work out whole songs on this.

When not using the pma5 as a sequencer, it can be used as a Roland midi sound module. It has all the usual sound module sounds, as well as the usual Roland drum sounds.

Please see the photos as they form part of the description. 

I don't get the time these days to use it, so it's time to pass it on to someone new :)