Antique Buddha Hand Hanuman Monkey Talisman Carved Takrud Amulet Thai Phra Yulai
condition/ good condition
colour/ gold
material/ brass and auspicious powder inside Takrud
size/ approx 3.5 cm
quantity/ 1 pc

Hanuman Monkey / Sun Wukong 【孫悟空】 / Heng Jia 【行者】
There is probably no one who doesn't know him. Because the Chinese movie that is called the most famous in our country, like "Sai Yu", must have definitely seen everyone's eyes before. In addition, the character of "Heng Jia" has been an inspiration to many cartoonists and filmmakers. causing the creation of many new characters as well
Actually, "Heng Jia" has many names and nicknames. Let's just say that in this article I will gradually add his other names into the story.
◆ Appearance and abilities
You are a "white monkey". Many people may not know this. So he is often linked with "Hanuman".
His main weapons are clouds and a magic baton that can be extended and retracted. and often keep it in their own ears This magic baton I got when I went on a rampage in the underwater city. The baton is the support pole of the Donghai Sea. (It is said that it weighed 13,500 pounds / 7,960 kg.)
As for his various abilities, he can transform his body in 72 ways, called "Earth Demon" (地煞). When doing one somersault, he can travel as far as 10,800,000 li. In addition, he has completed the Golden Eye of Fire Suwan (liberation from the 5 elements). ) All 84,000 body hairs can transform into a replica of yourself. (This is the number of hairs. not brain cells)
◆ Legend of origin (Episode: Origin of "Heng Jia")
If anyone remembers the previous article about Goddess Niwa's quest when she melted five colored stones to fill the leak in the sky. I would like to say that "Heng Jia" started from that point.
It is said that the five-colored stones that Goddess Niwa took to plug the leak in the sky broke off and fell on the ground. The shard of rock had been bathed in the light of the sun and moon for 500 years, then it cracked and a white monkey jumped out. That albino monkey is "Heng Jia" we are talking about. "Heng Jia" was born in the city of Ao Lai. (Nguelai Kingdom) The land of Dong Sheng, Shenzhou. As soon as he was born, he bowed in all four directions and a golden light shone all the way to the heavens.
Once it came out of the rock Heng Jia went to establish himself as the leader of the monkeys at Mount Hua Guo (花果山) and received the nickname "Empress of Bi Gao" (美猴王).
◆ The Legend of Origin (Episode: Training with "Phothe Zhou Si")
Suddenly, he saw the monkeys in the group slowly age and die one by one. "Heng Jia" asked the monkeys in the group how to escape death. The monkey said that there were only three people who could not die: an arhat, a god, and a master. "Hong Kong" left the herd and went on a journey to find a way to make himself immortal. "Hong Jia" traveled for 10 years until he met a master. The first was Po Te Zhou Si (菩提祖師) at Ling Tai Fang Chun Mountain. Xiayue Sanqing Cave This teacher gave Heng Jia a new name: "Sun Wukong" (meaning "awakening to the emptiness"). Among the things Wukong learned from this teacher were the ability to transform his body in 72 poses / plucking out feathers to transform into objects. / Stretches and shrinks / Can somersault 10,800 li / and has magical clouds
It is said that the name "Hongkong" was given by Pothe Zhou Si. It is a name arranged according to the generation of students. Hong Kong is the 9th generation, and it is said that Po The Zhou Si has 12 generations of disciples, that is, 12 zodiac signs. (If you count and look, the Year of the Monkey is exactly 9.)
At that time, "Hongkong" trained with "Por Te Zhou Si" has been gone for 7 years. One day, Por Te Zhou Si gave a sermon to all his disciples. But Hong Kong acted like he didn't respect his teacher. As a result, the conversation below occurred.
Po Te Zhou Si: Why don't you sit down and study well?
Hong Kong: The Dhamma that the teacher said made me follow it.
Po Te Zhou Si: What do you want to study?
Hong Kong: Studying immortality. Can that Dhamma escape death? It cannot escape.
I heard that. "Pho Te Zhou Si" became angry and hit Hong Kong on the head three times and turned away.
Wong thought that the teacher had asked him to come to him at 3 p.m. by entering through the back door. When it was 3 p.m., Wong Kong came to the teacher and explained the mysteries to him. Po Te Zhou Si suddenly thought to himself that this monkey was not ordinary. and then taught the subject of immortality The 10,8,000 somersaults on the clouds and the 72 body transformation techniques are given on condition that "Do not show it to others."
When Hongkong trained successfully He couldn't resist the temptation of a fellow disciple who told him to show him his supernatural power. So he transformed into a pine tree. "Pho Te Zhou Si" came in and saw him, got angry and chased Wong Kong out of the sect. Before going to tell Ngong Kong that "If I tell other people to come train with me, I will be the one to exterminate you so that you will not have a soul and will not be reborn.”
The episode where "Phothe Zhou Si" will teach Wong Kong the art of body transformation. You then have to choose which path to study: 36 Heaven Demons (天罡) or 72 Earth Demons (地煞). As we know, Hong Kong chose 72 Earth Demons. It is said that aside from Hong Kong, there is also the god Er Lang. With two other bull demons who completed this course.
As for the subject 36 Divine Heaven, the person who completed this subject is "Tue Poi Kai"
◆ Legend of origin (Episode: Wong Kong's rampage)
After completing the training, "Hongkong" thought that he was the best and strongest. So he went on a rampage in all 3 worlds until there was complete chaos (heaven / human world / underworld). Even though the Emperor sent heavenly generals to deal with him, he still couldn't fight. Venus god like "Tai Pae Kim Chae" or "Tai Bai Xin Jin" (太白金星) also devised a plan to give Hong Kong a small position in heaven rather than raising an army to subdue it. The Emperor appointed Hong Kong to be "Bi Ma Wen" (弼馬溫), the person who takes care of the heavenly horses
Back and forth, the secret was revealed. "Hongkong" knew that this position was just that of a lowly horse breeder. He became very angry and let the Heavenly Horse go on a rampage and returned to Hua Guo Mountain with the monkeys.
At that time, Du Jiao Gui Wang (獨角鬼王) recommended that Hong Kong appoint himself as "Qi Tian Da Sheng" or "Je Tian Dai Zhong" (齊天大聖)
After Hong Kong had unleashed the Heavenly Horse on a rampage, The Emperor was very angry and sent the Heavenly General to capture and punish him. But the result of the battle was the same as before. No one can compete with Dr. Kong. This time, "Gan Tian Da Di" or "Jingyang Zhenren" told the Emperor Emperor.
The title of "Qi Tian Da Sheng" was given to Hong Kong, but it was not comparable to the other gods. Ngek Sian was forced to appoint Wong Kong as "Qi Tian Da Sheng" and had her take care of Goddess Wang Mu's Heavenly Peach Garden, which had 3600 magical peach trees.
One day, 7 angels went to see Wong Kong and asked to gather heavenly peach trees for a banquet of the Heavenly Gods Gathering (蟠桃會). Wukong asked for information and learned the truth that his own name was not at the banquet. He was very angry so he used the magic of 7 angels and flew towards the peach gathering. Along the way, we met "Barefoot Saint" (赤腳大仙) Wong Kong used a trick to trick the Barefoot Saint into meeting with the Nexian. Then he transformed himself into a barefooted Saint to enter the Heavenly Gods Gathering Banquet.
Enough to enter the work Then he plucked out his own hair and turned it into a sleeping insect to enter the ears and nostrils of the divine master there. When everyone was asleep Hong Kong started a party for himself by eating heavenly peach and spirit wine until he was very drunk. So he rode a magic cloud up to the 33rd heaven of "Tai Shan Lao Jin" and secretly ate five gourds of "Golden Medicine" (金丹). When he sobered up, he realized that he had made a mistake. So I fled back down to find the monkeys at Hua Guo Mountain (all in all, Hong Kong held the position in heaven for 110 years).
◆ Legend of origin (Episode: Phra Yulai defeats Hong Kong)
The Emperor Emperor saw this and his head hurt a lot. Because his own heavenly army could not fight against Wong Kong. So he summoned Phra Yulai to help.
"Phra Yulai" came down to subdue Ngokong by saying: If Hong Kong is really the best, then he should jump out of Monk Yu Lai's palm. Hong Kong laughed and began to jump away from his hand and reach the ends of the earth.
After jumping for a long time, he thought that he had escaped from Monk Yulai's palm. And saw that at the end of the world there were 5 pillars for reassurance. Hong Kong carved his name into the pole and jumped back to Monk Yu Lai to claim his victory. But Yu Lai showed him his finger with Hong Kong's name written on it. and said that Hong Kong had not yet jumped out of his palm.
"Hong Kong" was defeated, so Monk Yu Lai punished him by imprisoning and cursing Wongong to be crushed by "Wuhang Mountain" or the Five Elements Mountain (五行山) for 500 years. He would be freed from the curse only if a Chinese monk came to free him. and had to travel on a mission with that Chinese monk
The story continues from here. That is when all 5 traveled to bring the Tripitaka to the Indian subcontinent. You can find and read from many channels.
After successfully summoning the Tripitaka Hong Kong has a new name. "Dou Jiang Sheng Hut" (鬥戰勝佛)
Then, when he practiced diligently until he completed the path and returned to heaven His position changed to "Qi Tian Tai Xiao Hud Zhou" (齊天大聖佛祖) or as we called him until he was familiar with that. "Tai Sia Hut Zhou"
◆ Seven sworn brothers
"Hong Kong" has sworn siblings as well. People we know very well are "Bull Devil", the husband of Princess Padlek.
The 7 people are collectively called the 7 Princes or the 7 Kings (七大圣). When sorting seniority, they are arranged according to their size, which the 7 Kings will have.
1. Bull Demon / Niu Mo Wang (牛魔王) position is "Ping Tian Da Sheng" (平天大圣)
2. Dragon Demon / Jiao Mo Wang (蛟魔王) Position is "Fuhai Da Sheng" (覆海大圣): Jiao is "Jiao Long" (蛟龙).
3. Bird Demon / Peng Mou Wang (鹏魔王) Position is "Hun Tian Da Sheng" (混天大圣).
4. Lion Demon / Simou Wang (狮驼王) position is "Yu Santa Sheng" (移山大圣)
5. Monkey Demon / Bear Mo Wang (猕猴王) Position is "Dongfeng Da Sheng" (通风大圣).
6. Up-nosed Monkey Demon / Yi Rong Wang (禺狨王), position is "Quishen Da Sheng" (驱神大圣).
7. Beautiful Monkey Demon / Meihou Wang (美猴王) Position: "Qi Tian Da Sheng" (齊天大聖): aka "Sun Wukong"
cr : Saiyu Thailand's (Journey to the west)
In addition to the 6 demons above, "Wong Kong" also has one human sworn brother, the ascetic "Zhen Yuanzi" (鎮元子) or "Din Yuan Daxian" (鎮元大仙).
◆ The Four Monkey Kings in Sai Yu (四大灵猴)
In the story of Sai Yu, in addition to having Wong Kong, our main character, who is the ape king, There is also talk of 3 other Monkey Kings. It is said that these 4 Monkey Kings do not fall into any of the 10 categories of living beings (that is, all things in the universe originate from the 5 realms and the 5 logs). All 4 of them are
- Stone Ape / Ling Ming Si Hou (灵明石猴): can change many forms, knows heaven and earth, and can move stars (aka Hong Kong).
- Six-Eared Monkey / Liu'er Mihou (六耳猕猴): Has ears to hear a thousand li. Good at listening Know all things clearly Anyone who says anything knows and understands everything.
- Giant Armed Ape / Dong Bi Yuanhou (通臂猿猴): Seize the Sun and Moon Wrap your tail around the mountain Know merit and karma There are rocks and heaven and earth as toys.
- Red-bottomed Ape / Shi Kao Mahou (赤尻马猴): Understand Yin and Yang, understand humans, create merit, avoid death. and extend lifespan