1913 Studebaker Corp. Wagons & Carriages 2- Letterhead Letters about an Ice Wagon Repair! The plain letterhead includes information about the repair of an Ice Wagon owned by the recipient's company, the other one with illustrations wagons is about setting up a sales meeting with Studebaker's sales rep.  Found in a cardboard box inside a file cabinet, filled with business related correspondences that dated between 1903-1921. From what we can read in these letters, from 1903-1910 the former owner was involved in the dairy industry, in dairy product manufacturing and in setting up cattle shows. The remainder of the years he was an executive at Clinton Ice Co. , Clinton Illinois. So we have letters of correspondence related to both industries. He attached extra papers using a straight pin instead of a stapler or paper clip, and most of these letters have either a set of holes or still has the pin inserted. All have paper tanning, and wear you would expect on letters stored in a file cabinet (some creases and corner fold-overs). Some have minor handwriting, but you will be receiving the letter you see in our photos.