This framed print features an iconic quote from Andy Warhol, "The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”, making it a great addition to any art collection. The medium-sized print on wood measures 10 inches in both height and length, and is a licensed reprint of the original work.

Check out the other Warhol merchandise in my store —including more of this very same type of framed quote! Create your own collection today and hang it in your wall within days!

The portrait-style print is done using a high quality printing technique and has been professionally framed, ready to be displayed. Perfect for those who appreciate pop art and want to add a touch of Warhol's style to their home or office décor. SHIPS FREE within the U.S.

Thanks for stopping by my store--Technicolor Turnstile! I’ve been selling on ebay since 2002 but have been running the store full-time since August of 2021. I take at least a dozen orders to the post office every single day Monday thru Saturday, so your items will get to you quickly and safely. Thanks so much for looking and feel free to message me anytime with questions or offer ideas!