Demonic doll Belphegor attachment

Type: Negative/Demonic

Activity: Spirit Box, EMF, Motion Sensor Light Balls, Foul Smells, Tapping and Knocking, Causes dead flies/insects, EVP, Disembodied Hissing

Additional Notes: This creepy Doll has an attachment of a medium level demonic that goes by the name of Belphegor. When the previous owner sent us this vessel he told us about how at least 2 or 3 times a week he'd hear a disembodied hissing, sometimes even up close in his ear. He told us that the scariest thing about the Hissing was that it would follow him around his home and he'd hear it from different parts of his home. He also told us that he'd regularly hear random Tapping and Knocking some of which was super loud which would startle him and even make him jump. During our investigation our team was able to confirm the claims of smelling the foul smell of sulfur, and very surprisingly even found a dead fly next to the vessel at one point during the session! We were also able to communicate with Belphegor through the spirit box, in which the demon used different voices every time to respond to our questions. Check out the video Follow me on my YouTube channel Phantoms Follow and also my eBay store so you can get updates on new items and videos and remember to give offerings to keep your spirits active.