Walabot DIY 2 - in-wall imager

What is Walabot DIY?

Walabot DIY is a cutting-edge wall scanner that takes stud finder technology to the next level. Capable of "seeing" up to four inches into walls, it uses radio frequency technology to locate stud centers, track water pipes and electrical wires, and reveal other objects you need to know about to avoid a drilling disaster.

Walabot DIY 2 - see inside your walls

The Walabot Difference

See it, don’t hear it! Other stud finders beep to alert you that an object has been found inside your wall, without showing you whether it’s a stud you want to drill into or a pipe or wire to avoid. Now you can drill smarter and safer with Walabot DIY. Only Walabot uses cutting-edge radar technology, enabling your smartphone to show you exactly what’s within your walls.

Walabot DIY 2 detecs wooden studs, metal studs, pipes & wires, movement

Walabot DIY 2

Walabot DIY 2 pairs with your iOS or Android phone (see below) to produce a visual image of what’s inside drywall up to a depth of 4 inches (10 cm). Your Walabot DIY 2 shows you the dead center of wood and metal studs, and it’s the only wall scanner that visually detects and tracks the paths of pipes and wires. It even enables you to find pests by detecting movement. Walabot DIY 2 is designed for everyone from home improvement novices to contractors, electricians, plumbers, and carpenters - anyone who needs advanced wall imaging capabilities. With Wi-Fi connectivity, Walabot DIY 2 can also be used separately from your phone – ideal for scanning hard-to-reach areas. It even comes with a built-in rechargeable battery, so it won’t drain your phone. Walabot DIY 2 offers two scanning modes: Images Mode displays a graphical representation of objects hidden in a wall and Expert Mode shows the raw data.

Walabot DIY 2 Image mode

Images Mode: visual representations of metal and wooden studs, pipes, and wires

To use Images Mode, hold your Walabot DIY 2 flat against the wall, calibrate the device by moving it in a circular motion, and start scanning. Radio frequency waves will detect objects inside the wall and the data will be translated into images representing wooden studs, metal studs, pipes, and wires.

Walabot DIY 2 Expert mode

Expert Mode: see the raw radar data from your Walabot DIY 2

To use Expert Mode, hold the Walabot DIY 2 flat against the wall, calibrate the device by moving it in a circular motion, and position it over any objects you’ve already detected using Images mode. Expert Mode gives you a direct view of the unfiltered radio frequency data. This will confirm accurate detection and reveal additional detail, such as curves in pipes or wires, intersections between objects, and the movement of pests. You can also adjust the focus using the intensity bar to get the clearest picture of what’s in your wall.