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Acepto entrega en mano en la Comunidad de Madrid, pero que tenga buena comunicación en transporte público. Me tenéis que decirme fecha, hora y ubicación y os diré mi disponibilidad. Por ejemplo me decís en que zonas os movéis, y yo os propondré una ubicación exacta.

Están usados viejos, sucios, con desperfectos, con defectos y no sé si funcionan. El rifle de agua es muy largo mide 55 cm y está fabricado en España. El otro es una pistola de 33 cm de largo y las dos pegatinas de las dos últimas fotos están al revés. El rifle de 55 cm de largo es de color rojo y amarillo, la pistola de 33 cm de largo es de color azul y amarillo.

Si acepto gasto de envío combinado.

Antes de pagar por la compra de varias subastas, me tenéis que avisarme y os envío la factura con el gasto de envío combinado.

¿Cuál es el tiempo máximo que puedo estar comprando antes de solicitar la factura con el gasto de envío combinado?

La gente que me compre dentro de España, me puede comprar durante cerca de tres meses.

Yes, I accept combined shipping.

Combined shipping charges for different auctions available. Please contact me before submitting your order.

Q: I want to hold the payment of my purchases, so I can keep buying things from you, so that you send me eventually a single invoice for all the items I bought during different days. Then you ship all my purchases after a single payment, thus taking advantage of the combined shipping for all my purchases during those days. Can this be done? How many days can I keep holding the payment for my items to benefit from this?

A: No problem. Buyers inside the European Union can hold the payment for a maximum of two months and a half. Buyers outside the European Union can hold the payment for a maximum of a month and a half.

Q: How could you know if I'm done buying? I don't want to wait for months for my items to be shipped!

A: If you are buying just one item from me, paying for it tells me that you're done. If you are buying multiple items from me, and holding their payment, asking me for a combined invoice and paying that invoice tells me that you're done.

Precios de los gastos de envío / Shipping costs

Envíos a España / Shipping to Spain

Desde 1g a 20g = 4,87€
Desde 21g a 50g = 4,97€
Desde 51g a 100g = 5,50€
Desde 101g a 500g = 6,95€
Desde 501g a 1.000g = 9,95€
Desde 1.001g a 2.000g = 10,45€
Desde 2.000g a ...g = ...€

Shipping within Europe / Envíos a Europa

from 1g to 20g = €6,50
from 21g to 50g = €6,80
from 51g to 100g = €7,60
from 101g to 500g = €11,75
from 501g to 1.000g = €18,15
from 1.001g to 2.000g = €26,05
from 2.000g to ...g = €...

Shipping outside of Europe / Envíos fuera de Europa

from 1g to 20g = €6,90
from 21g to 50g = €7,40
from 51g to 100g = €9,00
from 101g to 500g = €15,35
from 501g to 1.000g = €26,45
from 1.001g to 2.000g = €42,50
from 2.000g to ...g = €...