Interessante edizione antica e d'epoca,

bella raffigurazione di un personaggio, in una suggestiva scena militare, 

una fase di una battaglia, con il nobile protagonista quì illustrato, con un piede appoggiato su un cannone, probabilmente quale allegoria o simbologia di vittoria, e dietro di lui un altro personaggio -forse un soldato- mentre tiene a freno un cavallo, presso un cannone e con una ampia bandiera sullo sfondo, sfondo illuminato o schiarito da bagliori di fuoco di guerra;

probabilmente trattasi di un ritratto di un importante esponente della nobiltà anglosassone, già protagonista di successi militari;

opera di grande qualità artistica, bell'esemplare d'arte del noto artista incisore anglosassone Macbeth Reaburn; 

incisione originale antica e d'epoca, all'acquaforte o acquatinta, con raffinata coloritura; di grandi dimensioni, misura circa cm.70x40 (il foglio esclusi i margini diseguali); opera firmata a matita e datata 1929.




Buona conservazione generale, segni e difetti d'uso e d'epoca, sparse fioriture e difetti vari marginali,

stampa meritevole di essere inserita sotto passpartout ed incorniciata.

(l'e immagini allegate raffigurano alcuni particolari dell'intero foglio, eventuali ulteriori informazioni a richiesta)

>opera attualmente incorniciata, la cornice non è compresa nella presente offerta, a richiesta ulteriori info< 



"Henry Macbeth-Raeburn was a noted Scottish painter and mezzotint engraver active in Edinburgh during the 1920's. He was a member of the Royal Academy and the Royal Society of Painters, Etchers, and Engravers. He is known today for his stylish mezzotints after celebrated eighteenth and nineteenth century portraits, which reproduced with accuracy and finesse the glory of these earlier masters. He had an affinity for the paintings of Reynolds, Gainsborough, and Sargent and produced many fine prints after their celebrated works.

This striking portrait is after a painting by George Sanders, which was originally reproduced in mezzotint by John Lucas in 1838. The portrait depicts the Duke of Gordon, affectionately known as the "Cock of the North", in traditional highland dress. He is armed with two pistols and a large dagger and has an impressive sporran wrapped around his kilt. Known as one of the great Scottish military leaders of his time, Gordon commanded the 92nd Foot and was responsible for their assembly. He bravely commanded troops in Gibraltar, Corsica, and Holland, and was severely wounded at the battle of Bergen. He became a noted Member of Parliament, was appointed Keeper of the Great Seal of Scotland, and Governor of Edinburgh Castle.

Cfr. Benezit, Dictionnaire de Peintres, Sculpteurs, Dessinateurs et Graveurs, vol. 8, p. 905; Thieme/Becker, Allgemeines Lexicon der bilden Künstler, Vol. 23/24, p. 505; Dictionary of National Biography; O'Donoghue, Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits... in the British Museum 4" (DAL WEB)

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