Reichsschatzamt-Direktor Julius Aschenborn: Beileidsbrief Obersalzberg 1894

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You are bidding on one letter of Treasury-DirectorsJulius Aschenborn (1837-1916).

Dated Obersalzberg near Berchtesgaden, 15. July 1894.

Written from vacation; his home address is Motzstr. 88, Berlin (listed under this address in the Berlin address book as Aschenborn, J., Secret Rath, Director of the Reich Treasury).

letter of condolence at Marie Sophie Clara Kuettner, b. Bacon, on the death of her husband Gustav Küttner (1844-1894), Accountant in the Reich Treasury Berlin.

Transcription: "Dear Madam! The news of your husband's death has reached me only now. She saddened me deeply. In the person immortalized, the Reich Treasury loses an outstanding, competent, talented and tireless official of rare kindness; he had come close to me personally in many years of joint work in front of others. As I will sorely miss him and will faithfully cherish his memory: I would be ready at any time to support you and your son to the best of my ability. In sincere condolences, most devotedly to Aschenborn."

Scope:written on two of four pages (18 x 11.5 cm); enclosed the original envelope (with railway post stamp).

About Gustav Küttner: Gustav Adolf Kuettner, b. On the 27th. March 1844 in Frankfurt (Oder) as the son of the tax inspector Johann Gottlob Küttner (1813-1878) and Ernestine, b. Spielberg (*1816). GA Küttner attended the elementary schools in Frankfurt (Oder) and Friedeberg and the secondary school in Landsberg (Warthe).

In 1860/61 he was a private assistant to the government surveyor Kroschel in Landsberg (Warthe), who was transferred to Guttentag (Silesia) at the end of 1861; 1861/62 private assistant to the government surveyor Heinrich Julius Grabert in Neuwedell (Drawno), Father of the composer and organist Martin Grabert (1868-1951); 1862-64 assistant to the head geometer Bayer in Crossen an der Oder; 1864 assistant to the chief surveyor in Frankfurt (Oder).

1865 entry into military service (1. Fire. Leib Grendadier Rgt. 8, 1872 second lieutenant in the 5. Fire. Landwehr Regiment No. 78, 1883 Premier-Lieutenant). Campaigns: 1866 against Austria (Battle of Königgrätz) and 1870/71 against France.

1869 temporary in the office for the agricultural government department in Frankfurt (Oder); 1873 Intendancy secretarial assistant at the 3. Army Corps in Berlin; 1877 Secret expediting secretary and calculator in the Reich Chancellery in Berlin. He died on the 2nd. July 1894 as Accountant in the Reich Treasury in Berlin.

marriage on 28. December 1873 in Berlin with Marie Sophie Clara Speck, b. on 20. May 1848 in Landsberg (Warthe) as the daughter of the master glove maker Friedrich Wilhelm Speck.

His son Frederick Otto Küttner (* 27. May 1879 in Berlin) became a civil servant (Berlin city official, head of the tax office). At 16. On April 19, 1907, he married Elfriede Sperendioano, born in Berlin-Friedenau. on the 5th April 1880 in Berlin as the daughter of the elementary school teacher Gustav Adolf Heinrich Sperendioano (* 18. September 1846 in Groß Zarnow, district of Pyritz, as the son of the teacher and sexton Otto Sperendioano and Friederike, b. Kersten) and Emilie Johanna, born. Klose (* 1852 in Berlin as the daughter of Sergeant August Friedrich Wilhelm Klose and Sophie, b. Kolb, died 20. August 1926 in Berlin).

Condition:Paper browned, with a long tear in the center fold. Cover stained, with crease and tear. Please also note the pictures!

Internal note: Küttner blue folder

About the son Max Aschenborn (Source: wikipedia):

Max Aschenborn (* 7. April 1860 in Arnswalde; † 28 November 1919) was from 1911 Ministerial Director in the Reich Post Office and in the Reich Post Ministry.

Life:After studying law, he was Son of Julius Aschenborn (1837–1916), Director in the Reich Treasury, initially from 1893 government councilor in Minden (Westphalia) and legal adviser to the local post office. In 1897 he switched to postal administration, a year later he was appointed secret senior postal officer and a permanent unskilled worker in the imperial post office. From 1911 to 1919 he was a director in the Reich Post Ministry and, as lecturer, was responsible for international postal cheques.


The law on the postal system of the German Reich of 28. October 1871.

Postal transfer and check transactions. Lecture given at the invitation of the oldest members of the Berlin merchant community in the auditorium of the commercial college on 3. December 1908 from the secret chief postal officer Max Aschenborn, lecturer in the Reich post office, together with a copy of the postal check regulations with implementation regulations and forms. J. Guttentag, Berlin 1909.

Transcription: "Dear Madam! The news of your husband's death has reached me only now. She saddened me deeply. In the person immortalized, the Reich Treasury loses an outstanding, competent, talented and tireless official of rare kindness; he had come close to me personally in many years of joint work in front of others. As I will sorely miss him and will faithfully cherish his memory: I would be ready at any time to support you and your son to the best of my ability. In sincere condolences, most devotedly to Aschenborn." His son Frederick Otto Küttner (* 27. May 1879 in Berlin) became a civil servant (Berlin city official, head of the tax office). At 16. On April 19, 1907, he married Elfriede Sperendioano, born in Berlin-Friedenau. on the 5th April 1880 in Berlin as the daughter of the ele
Transcription: "Dear Madam! The news of your husband's death has reached me only now. She saddened me deeply. In the person immortalized, the Reich Treasury loses an outstanding, competent, talented and tireless official of rare kindness; he had come close to me personally in many years of joint work in front of others. As I will sorely miss him and will faithfully cherish his memory: I would be ready at any time to support you and your son to the best of my ability. In sincere condolences, most devotedly to Aschenborn." His son Frederick Otto Küttner (* 27. May 1879 in Berlin) became a civil servant (Berlin city official, head of the tax office). At 16. On April 19, 1907, he married Elfriede Sperendioano, born in Berlin-Friedenau. on the 5th April 1880 in Berlin as the daughter of the ele
Herstellungszeitraum 1851-1900
Produkttyp Brief & Telegramm
Herstellungsland und -region Deutschland