A young boy in a 1920s-style cap riding a scooter he's pushing along with his foot. Top lip is slightly bent so won't be flush unless another clip is applied. Some scratches and tarnishing, else very good.

Chocolate mould, 5.5" high x 5" wide. Two clips (which look to be later), with open base. Model #30618. Germany: Anton Reiche, c.1935.

Anton Reiche was the largest and most famous chocolate mould manufacturer in Germany, established in 1870. According to Judene Divone in Chocolate Moulds: A History & Encyclopedia, "In his factory in Dresden, Reiche employed artists and sculptors, and his early moulds reflected the same detail and workmanship as the porcelain figures and beautiful Christmas tree ornaments produced in Dresden and Meissen areas...Reiche became the 'Master' mould maker; his designs were adapted or copied by other firms in Europe and the United States, and have now become classics." Reiche 30618