APPETON Lysine 120ml Multivitamin Syrup For Kids Healthy Growth and Appetite

All the vitamins you need for your kids to grow.

Multivitamins with Lysine that improve appetite, promote growth in height and weight for children.

Appeton Multivitamins Lysine Syrup is a complimentary health preparation for the growing age. It contains Vitamin B1, B2, B6 which are regarded as metabolic catalysis from the biochemical point of view today. They are necessary for the normal processes in protein, fat and carbohydrate metabolism. The present of Vitamin C helps to prevent the occurance of scurvy (sore gums and teeth) and increase body resistance to infection. The fat souble Vitamin A and D3 ensure good eye sight and the maintenance of proper level of calcium in the body fluids. The latter ensure healthy growth of bones and teeth. Vitamin B12 together with Folic Acid are essential for cell formation especially red blood cells and they are vital in preventing certain forms of anaemia. Vitamin E is for proper cell function. Nicotinamide is for normal skin condition and nervous system. L-Lysine improves appetite and protein synthesis.