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Aviation pioneer Raimund NIMFÜHR: 4 letters VIENNA 1906 / Brexit


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They bid on four autographed, signed letters (Hown 1905) and one described business card dit Austrian Aviation theorist, aircraft pioneer and meteorologist Raimund Nimühr (1874-1954).

Addressed to Carl Milla, (former) secretary of the "Vienna Aviation Association", from Nimfüder because of a heated argument Aviation pioneer Wilhelm Kress (1836-1913) leaves; Vice President Hermann von Lössl also took Kress' side.

Dated Vienna, 30. April (continued 3. May), 10th, 17th and 22. May 1906.

Scope: 17 pages fully written and one page partially written (format between 21.8 x 14 cm and 23.7 x 15.2 cm).

The business card in the format 5.5 x 9.7 cm.

Attached are two carbon copies (in. 4 pages in the format 23.8 x 15.3 cm) of letters from Carl Milla, dated Vienna, 26. March and 13th April 1906, addressed to Raimund Nimühr.

Autographs by Nimühr are very rare!

Quotes from Raimund Nimühr’s letters:

"It will certainly not be pleasant for you to hear that I, too, have grown tired of arguing. The decisive factor in this long-awaited change was my director's strict wish not to take any action against Lössl and Silberer and not to take legal action." [The aviation pioneer and journalist Viktor Silberer wrote polemics against Nimühr in his “Sport-Zeitung.”] He also rejected the suggestion to send Mr. Silberer a correction [...] and suggested to me: instructed me to send a private letter to Silberer in which I must ask him to include a correcting note. You can imagine how pleasant this letter was for me: I also worked on it for 8 - eight days. - Why wasn't I born a millionaire! You can clearly see the terrible power of money."

Nimühr decides to leave the “Aviation Technical Association”.

"I will now work on a new design of a kite with which I want to take part in the kite competition in Milan, provided that I receive a subsidy from the 'Z.-Anstalt' for the Milan trip. [...] I would now like to tell you something that will certainly interest you. Today there is a note in the 'Zeit' under club news about the new Kress campaign, which is to be launched. May you now keep your blood as cool as I do, let's give the gentlemen complete freedom, let them embarrass you immortally for the second time, I have fulfilled my duty. [...] The situation has become completely untenable since you decimated our forces with your hasty exit."

In the end, Nimühr suggested a meeting for Sunday.

The enclosed business card is written by Nimühr on the back. It is undated, but since it concerns the cancellation of a meeting on a Sunday, it is probably related to the first letter.

The second letter details the dissolution of the "Scientific Study Committee of the Vienna Aviation Association", which was founded in 1904 by Milla and Nimühr, especially the financial aspects. A planned "ascent" (certainly with a balloon) is also mentioned.

The third letter about his resignation. "My director absolutely doesn't want me to have anything to do with the Aviation Technical Association anymore, and he personally informed me of this today under penalty of dismissal. So that's how things stand. I was also sent a letter from Lössl, but I didn't accept it in order to document that I no longer wanted to have anything to do with him personally."

Then there are problems with the club's financial statements.

The last letter (on thinner paper) again about the club's finances and his departure. "I also had to promise the court councilor that I would no longer work against the planned action [...]. I'm very busy this week because I'm working in the meteorological department on behalf of the Hofrat. conservator. give a lecture or I have to give a report on an extremely difficult piece of work by Overbeck. So I ask you to be patient. I received another recommended letter from Lössl today, it is being returned unopened."

Milla's letters to Nimühr are also quite interesting, about the Scientific Study Committee, essays, finances...

About the club (Source: Vienna History Wiki): "Vienna Aviation Association, founded in 1880, one of the oldest corporations associated with aviationnen; later with other clubs to the 'K. k. Austrian Aeronautical Association. Thanks to his efforts, the founding of the 'Flight Technical Research Institute' (based in Vienna), and he was also involved in the creation of the Aspern and Wiener Neustadt airfields."

Condition: Paper browned, one letter with slight edge damage. Carbon copies on very thin paper, wrinkled, with damage to the edges. Please also note the pictures at the end of the item description!

At the same time, I am offering further letters from Raimund Nimühr to Carl Milla!


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About Raimund Nimühr (source: wikipedia):

Raimund Nimühr (*17. August 1874 in Klein Tajax, Moravia; † 15. September 1954 in Vienna) was an Austrian aviation theorist, aircraft pioneer and meteorologist.

Life: After elementary school in Znaim, Nimühr attended the Melk collegiate high school. He then studied physics, mathematics, meteorology and astronomy as well as philosophy at the University of Vienna. During his studies he was also a member of the Austrian Aero Club.

In 1901 he bought a Lilienthal flapping wing apparatus. He also tried sliding with his own designs, but was not very successful.

After graduating with a Dr. phil. In 1904 he became a university assistant at the Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics. During this time there were numerous balloon flights, during which he also made several patented inventions. However, during one of these high trips in 1907, he suffered serious health problems, which forced him to leave the civil service.

In the years that followed, he increasingly studied bird flight and wrote the basics of gliding. In practice, he built a model aircraft with pneumatically pulsating wings. After 1923, Nimühr began to build a whirlwind aircraft. For this purpose he collected money and brought together an amount of 250,000 schillings. But he was never able to cope with the plane, so he was sued in 1939 and even sentenced to a year in prison in 1941.

"It will certainly not be pleasant for you to hear that I, too, have grown tired of arguing. The decisive factor in this long-awaited change was my director's strict wish not to take any action against Lössl and Silberer and not to take legal action." [The aviation pioneer and journalist Viktor Silberer wrote polemics against Nimühr in his “Sport-Zeitung.”] He also rejected the suggestion to send Mr. Silberer a correction [...] and suggested to me: instructed me to send a private letter to Silberer in which I must ask him to include a correcting note. You can imagine how pleasant this letter was for me: I also worked on it for 8 - eight days. - Why wasn't I born a millionaire! You can clearly see the terrible power of money." "I will now work on a new design of a kite with which I want t