You are bidding on onesigned letter from the Prussian Minister of Education ("Minister of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs")Friedrich Eichhorn (1779-1856).

Dated Berlin, the 17th December 1840.

Aimed at the teacher and historian Wilhelm Bötticher (1798-1850) at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin, which was responsible for sending his work "Prophetic Voices from Rome, or the Christian in Tacitus and the typically prophetic character of his works in relation to Rome's relationship to Germany" (2 volumes, Perthes, Hamburg 1840) as well as a handwritten "Treatise on Egypt and the Allies".

Scope:one of four pages described (26.4 x 22 cm).

Condition: Paper browned and slightly stained. bplease note the pictures too!

Internal note: MM5

About Friedrich Eichhorn and Wilhelm Bötticher (source: wikipedia):

Johann Albrecht Friedrich Eichhorn (*2. March 1779 in Wertheim; † 16. January 1856 in Berlin) was a Prussian statesman and Prussian Minister of Culture from 1840 to 1848.

Origin and family: The father Carl Ludwig Eichhorn was a Löwenstein-Wertheim court chamber councilor and married to Maria Sophia (née. Leader). In 1811 he married Eleonore Philippine Amalie Sack, a daughter of the royal court preacher Friedrich Samuel Gottfried Sack. The marriage produced, among others, Hermann von Eichhorn, later district president in Minden.

Life and work: Eichhorn attended school in Wertheim and studied law in Göttingen from 1796 to 1799. Afterwards he was tutor for the von Auer family in Kleve for a short time. Since 1800, he has been an auscultator at the local high court. At the same time he was regimental quartermaster in the Graf Wedel battalion. He was moved to Hildesheim with the unit in 1802 and also worked at the higher court there. In 1806 Eichhorn passed the major state examination and became a chamber court assessor in Berlin. In 1809 he came into contact with Wilhelm von Dörnberg, who was fighting against the Napoleonic occupation. This prompted Eichhorn to join Ferdinand von Schill's Freikorps, but he left again after an accident. Since 1810 he was a chamber judge in Berlin and since 1811 he was also the syndic of the newly founded university. In 1813 he was a member of the committee for the organization of the Landwehr and took part in Blücher's staff at the beginning of the Wars of Liberation. In the same year he became a member of the central administrative department for the occupied territories under Heinrich Friedrich Karl vom Stein.

After a brief return to the judicial service, he went to Paris as a diplomat at Stein's request in 1815. In the same year he was appointed Privy Legation Counselor in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In this capacity he became responsible for “German Affairs” from 1817 and was appointed lecturing councilor. Eichhorn played an important role in the preparation of the customs unit, particularly through the inclusion of various enclaves in the Prussian customs territory. With this and other measures he played a key role in bringing about the customs union.

In 1831 he was promoted to director of the second department of the Foreign Office and in 1840 by Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Surprisingly appointed Minister of Culture (“Minister of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs”). Through his family connection with the court preacher Sack and as a friend of Friedrich Schleiermacher, he had hopes of liberalization. In the area of ​​school policy, however, he disappointed them by strengthening the ties between the elementary school and the churches, but also by dismissing Adolph Diesterweg. In addition, in the university sector there was the equally critically assessed appointment of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and the conservative thinker Friedrich Julius Stahl on the one hand and the dismissal of Bruno Bauer and Karl Nauwerck on the other hand. With regard to the Catholic Church, Eichhorn set up a Catholic department in the ministry in order to help calm the Catholic subjects after the turmoil in Cologne. In the Protestant area he promoted the internal mission and the activities of Johann Hinrich Wichern in Prussia. Above all, Eichhorn failed in his attempt to implement a synodal constitution for the Protestant Church. At the General Synod of 1846 he reached resolutions in his favor, but they did not correspond to the king's wishes and were not accepted by him. With the beginning of the March Revolution he had to resign.

From 1817 to 1848 he was a member of the Prussian State Council. In 1850 he took part in the Erfurt Union Parliament as a member of the State House and was its senior president.

A street on Potsdamer Platz in Berlin is named after Eichhorn. In his honor, the botanist Karl Sigismund Kunth described the plant genus water hyacinths under the name Eichhornia. The University of Göttingen awarded him an honorary doctorate in law in 1837 and an honorary doctorate in theology in 1855.

Friedrich Eichhorn died in Berlin in 1856 at the age of almost 77. The burial took place in the Trinity Cemetery in front of the Potsdam Gate. Also his wife Eleonore Philippine Amalie née. Sack (1783–1862) was later buried there. In 1904 they were both reburied at Trinity Cemetery II on Bergmannstrasse, where Friedrich Eichhorn's cast-iron grave cross has been preserved.


The central administration of the allies under Baron von Stein. Berlin, 1814.

To the opponents of the unification of Saxony with Prussia. Frankfurt, 1815

Johann Friedrich Wilhelm Bötticher (*6. June 1798 in Wormsdorf; † 6. April 1850 in Berlin) was a German teacher and historian.

Life: He was the son of Christian Friedrich Gotthilf Boetticher, Protestant pastor in Wormsdorf, his brother was the Protestant pastor Heinrich Adolph Boetticher (1804–1853). He attended school in Helmstedt and a high school in Berlin and from 1816 studied philology and theology at the universities of Berlin and Halle.

In 1820 Bötticher became a teacher at the pedagogy in Halle, and in 1824 he became senior teacher at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium in Berlin. He held this position until his death on June 6th. April 1850.

His son is the cultural philosopher and orientalist Paul de Lagarde (originally Paul Anton Bötticher).


History of the Carthaginians edited according to the sources. Rücker, Berlin 1827.

Lexicon Taciteum. Nauck, Berlin 1830.

Prophetic voices from Rome, or the Christian element in Tacitus and the typically prophetic character of his works in relation to Rome's relationship to Germany. 2 volumes. Perthes, Hamburg and others 1840.

Prophetic Testimonies of Dr. Martin Luther against the despisers of the divine word in the Protestant and Catholic churches in Germany. Agency of the Rauhen Haus, Hamburg 1845.

Glimpses of light through the chiaroscuro in the Protestant church of the nineteenth century or Schleiermacher's school and the Samaritan woman at Jacob's Well. Self-published by the author, Berlin 1846.

The future of Israel and Christianity, or the fulfillment of the biblical prophecies about Israel's conversion and the resulting obligation of all Protestant Christians, especially German ones, to contribute to this now. Self-published by the author, Berlin 1848.

In 1831 he was promoted to director of the second department of the Foreign Office and in 1840 by Friedrich Wilhelm IV. Surprisingly appointed Minister of Culture (“Minister of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs”). Through his family connection with the court preacher Sack and as a friend of Friedrich Schleiermacher, he had hopes of liberalization. In the area of ​​school policy, however, he disappointed them by strengthening the ties between the elementary school and the churches, but also by dismissing Adolph Diesterweg. In addition, in the university sector there was the equally critically assessed appointment of Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling and the conservative thinker Friedrich Julius Stahl on the one hand and the dismissal of Bruno Bauer and Karl Nauwerck on the other h