Moby Dick - Rehearsed Orson Welles

NEUWARE - Portofrei innerhalb Deutschlands!


Art Nr.: 0573612420
ISBN 13: 9780573612428
Release Year: 2011
Published by: Samuel French, Inc.
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 203x127x5 mm
Pages: 78
Weight: 95 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Orson Welles


Genre: Melodrama Characters: 12m, 2f An ingenious idea is employed to accommodate the sweep of this classic story on the stage. A Shakespearean company puts down their rehearsal sides of Lear and curiously take up those of a new play entitled Moby Dick. On the rehearsal stage of platforms, the teasers overhead suddenly become yardarms with sails and a tall ladder becomes a mast. The platforms become the decks of the ship on which the cast sails through the storms and tribulat

Moby Dick - Rehearsed Orson Welles

NEUWARE - Portofrei innerhalb Deutschlands!


Art Nr.: 0573612420
ISBN 13: 9780573612428
Release Year: 2011
Published by: Samuel French, Inc.
Cover: Taschenbuch
Cover Format: 203x127x5 mm
Pages: 78
Weight: 95 g
Language: Englisch
Author: Orson Welles


Genre: Melodrama Characters: 12m, 2f An ingenious idea is employed to accommodate the sweep of this classic story on the stage. A Shakespearean company puts down their rehearsal sides of Lear and curiously take up those of a new play entitled Moby Dick. On the rehearsal stage of platforms, the teasers overhead suddenly become yardarms with sails and a tall ladder becomes a mast. The platforms become the decks of the ship on which the cast sails through the storms and tribulat