Lost valve box? Find it fast with this handy tool!

Used only once, this amazing device helped me locate my buried valve box in a snap. It's super easy to use and incredibly effective.

Note: This tool may not work if your valve box is far from the controller or buried deep.
Don't waste another minute searching for your lost valve box. Get this amazing tool today!

Lawn Valve Locator
See the Chat-R-Box® in action and watch the video
Are you tired of aimlessly searching for your hidden lawn valves?
You tried digging holes in the yard and poked the ground with a screw driver.?
Googled for a solution only to find expensive valve locator equipment?
Unable to find a 'pro' that would charge a reasonable price?
At last, a simple device for locating those pesky hidden lawn valves. Just connect the Chat-R-Box® between the controller and the valve wire of the valve you are trying to locate. Turn on your valve then the Chat-R-Box® causes the valve to emit a "chattering" sound allowing you to locate the valve. The Chat-R-Box® incorporates a solid state circuit which rapidly turns the valve off/on creating the "chatter" sound. The Chat-R-Box® uses a simple 2 wire hookup and relies on the power of your controller, eliminating the need for batteries.