You are bidding on one typewritten, signed letter of the music teacher Heribert Grüger, brother of the illustrator Johannes Grüger (1906-1992).

1927 brought both of them the "Song Primer" which was a great success and is still being reissued to this day.

Works by Heribert Grüger (all illustrated by Johannes Grüger):

Song primer, Breslau 1927 (2. ed. 1930; 3. ed. 1933)

Magician Klumpedump, Breslau 1928

Children's musical instruments, Dresden 1932

A little melody experiences adventures, Stuttgart 1938

The mysterious egg, Honnef/Rh. 1959

Europe primer, Düsseldorf 1973

Christmas carol primer, Düsseldorf 1976

The Golden Song Primer, Düsseldorf 1977

The goodnight song primer, Düsseldorf 1978

Be funny, be happy, tralalala!, Düsseldorf 1979

The animal song primer, Düsseldorf 1979

Let's sing, dance and jump, Düsseldorf 1980

DatedBerlin, the 9th January 1931.

Aimed at a “madam”, i.e Lisbeth Kroll, b. Radok (*1890), wife of Pianist, composer, writer and music critic Erwin Kroll (1886-1976) in Königsberg.

She ran the weekly children's program "Rhythmic-musical impromptu game for children" on Ostmarken-Rundfunk (with guest broadcasts on almost Allen German stations), with physical-musical exercises based on ideas the Swiss composer and music educator Émile Jaques-Dalcroze (1865-1950).

Transcription:"Dear Madam, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interesting lecture yesterday at the Central Institute for Education. I hope that I will soon be able to use my device to receive your afternoon broadcasts here in Berlin. With the greatest respect, your very devoted Heribert Grüger."

Scope:one page typescript carbon copy (28.5 x 22.7 cm), signed by hand.

Without envelope.

Condition: Paper browned and slightly wrinkled, with a small tear at the bottom right. bPlease also note the pictures!

Internal note: Kroll 2021-12-12

About the brother Johannes Grüger and the recipient Erwin Kroll (source: wikipedia):

Johannes Grüger (* 12. February 1906 in Breslau; † 9. April 1992) was a German illustrator.

Life:Johannes Grüger was the son of the calligrapher and urban surveyor Max Grüger. From 1926 to 1929 Johannes Grüger attended the theater class at the Breslau Arts and Crafts Academy where the set designer Hans Wildermann was his teacher. From 1929 to 1931 Grüger worked as a set designer, and from 1935 to 1939 he worked as a restorer for the Silesian Museum of Fine Arts in Breslau. In 1934 he married the actress Erika Fricke; The marriage resulted in three children. From 1939 to 1945, Grüger took part in the Second World War as a soldier in the Wehrmacht; All of his graphic work created up to that point was destroyed in Breslau due to the effects of the war. After the end of the war and return from captivity, Johannes Grüger initially lived with his family in Aiterhofen near Straubing. From 1951 he was based in Düsseldorf. There he initially worked as a commercial artist and later as a freelance illustrator.

Work: Johannes Grüger first came to prominence in 1927 with the innovative musical representations for a “song primer” that his brother, the music teacher Heribert Grüger, had written. The work and its two follow-up volumes were a great sales success. In the 1930s, Johannes Grüger also began illustrating novels and stories. After 1945 he worked for the Brentan publishing house run by his friend, the publisher Viktor Kubczak, and later mainly for the publishing houses Schwann and Patmos-Verlag. Grüger particularly illustrated Bible editions, catechisms, saints' stories, narrative children's books for a Catholic reading audience and other songbooks for children. The works of the author Josef Quadflieg that he illustrated were particularly successful. For his illustrations, Grüger used a folk, colorful painting style that was based on traditional models (antique mosaics, medieval panel and wall paintings). Grüger is considered one of the most successful German book illustrators of the post-war period, having sold several million copies of the works he illustrated. In addition, Grüger designed a series of Bible murals for religious education and was involved in the interior design of churches in the first post-war years.


1957 Austrian State Prize

1957 Youth Book Prize of the City of Vienna

In 1958 in the shortlist for the German Youth Book Prize: The Heinzelmännchen together with its author August Kopisch

1959 One of the most beautiful books in Austria: The Sternenmühle together with its author Christine Busta

In 1967 in the shortlist for the German Youth Book Prize: The Pumpkin Children together with its author Kathleen Arnott


Independent book editions

Graphics, Düsseldorf 1981

The big colorful song primer, Düsseldorf 1989

Illustrated book editions

Novels and stories

Sophie Reinheimer: The Silent Zoo, Berlin [among others] 1938

Children's and young adult literature

Heribert Grüger: Lieder primer, Breslau 1927 (2. ed. 1930; 3. ed. 1933)

Heribert Grüger: Magician Klumpedump, Breslau 1928

Sophie Reinheimer: Funny gifts for girls and boys, Leipzig 1928

The colorful Easter book, Leipzig 1929

Sophie Reinheimer: All sorts of household servants, Leipzig 1930

Sophie Reinheimer: In the Rainbow, Leipzig 1930

Sophie Reinheimer: Little meadow people, Leipzig 1930

Sophie Reinheimer: Fir Children, Leipzig 1930

Minni Grosch: Kunterbunt, Stuttgart [among others] 1931

Heribert Grüger: Children's musical instruments, Dresden 1932

Adelheid Stier: Quirlefitsch and other stories, Stuttgart [among others] 1933

Anni Geiger-Hof: Marli, Stuttgart 1934

Friedl Hohenstatt: In happy crowds throughout the year, Stuttgart [among others] 1934

Anni Geiger-Hof: Christmas Night in the Snow, Stuttgart 1935

Hertha Grudde: Old fairy tales and stories from the spinning room, Königsberg Pr. 1935

Hertha Grudde: Once upon a time..., Königsberg 1935

Hertha Grudde: About amber and other old fairy tales and stories from the spinning room, Königsberg 1935

Anni Geiger-Hof:Schlschler, Stuttgart 1936

Gertrud Bohnhof: The Sunday children in the forest, Stuttgart 1936

Paula Knüpffer: The Kunterbuntbuch for the very little ones and their mothers, Stuttgart [among others] 1936

Gertrud Bohnhof: The Sunday children in the small town, Stuttgart 1937

Paula Knüpffer: The children from Buschmühlenweg, Stuttgart [among others] 1937

Gertrud Bohnhof: The Sunday children in the village, Stuttgart 1938

Heribert Grüger: A little melody experiences adventures, Stuttgart 1938

Ludwig Bechstein: Fairy Tales, Stuttgart 1937

Maria Batzer: The first snow, Stuttgart 1939

Paula Knüpffer: Rudi and his siblings, Stuttgart 1939

Josef Pietsch: Two boys experience Germany, Breslau 1940

Martha Fromme: Anita, the circus rider, Stuttgart 1950

Anni Geiger-Hof: The Maidi from Brunnenhof, Stuttgart 1951

Josef Bey: Ear of Grain Primer, Düsseldorf 1952

Dina Schaefer: My little measuring book, Essen 1952

Hilde Roth: Fidelius and the Vagabond, Stuttgart 1953

Silesian children's and household fairy tales, Stuttgart 1953

Peter Louis: Christ in the jungle, Kevelaer 1954

Jean Plaquevent: Children's Imitation of Jesus Christ, Einsiedeln [among others] 1954

Josef Quadflieg: The book of the holy patron saints, Düsseldorf 1954

August Kopisch: The Heinzelmännchen, Honnef/Rhine 1955

Felix Krajewski: The Street of Miracles, Kevelaer 1955

Josef Quadflieg: Pious stories for little people, Düsseldorf 1956

The Bremen Town Musicians, Honnef/Rh. 1956

Elsa Steinmann: The Gondolier's Son, Freiburg 1956

Rudolf Söllner: Maria, our mother, Nuremberg 1957

Josef Quadflieg: The Book of the Twelve Apostles, Düsseldorf 1957

Josef Bey: Grain harvest, Düsseldorf 1957

The Child of God, Düsseldorf 1957

Jakob Ecker: Small Catholic school Bible, Düsseldorf 1957

Sing along, high school, Munich 1957

Fritz Steuben: And God created heaven and earth, Freiburg 1958

Elsa Steinmann: Lia and the red carnations, Freiburg i.Br. 1958

Marielis Robert: Peter and Francesca and the great city of Rome, Freiburg i.Br. 1958

Picture Bible, Düsseldorf 1958

Heribert Grüger: The mysterious egg, Honnef/Rh. 1959

Christine Busta: The Sternenmühle, Salzburg [among others] 1959

Felix Krajewski: The Life of Jesus, Kevelaer 1959

Hans Hümmeler: The children's book from the church year, Düsseldorf 1959

Jesus I am yours, Düsseldorf 1960

Bernhard Niklas: The holy God in the golden chalice, Kevelaer 1960

Paula Walendy: The song tree, Gütersloh 1960

How Jesus came into the world, Düsseldorf 1961

Josef Quadflieg: New pious stories, Düsseldorf 1961

Josef Quadflieg: The big book about the holy patron saints, Düsseldorf 1962

Elsa Steinmann: Remo and the steppe shepherds, Freiburg i.Br. [among others] 1962

Faith booklet for the 2nd School year, Munich 1962

Lene Hille-Brandts: The little violinist, Munich 1962

Käthe Hirsch: The story of the foal that went backwards, Hanover 1962

Good news, Freiburg i.Br. 1963

Karl Rauch: The journey to Sister Sonne, Freiburg i.Br. [among others] 1964

Seumas MacManus: The Queen of Tinkers, Freiburg i.Br. [among others] 1965

Walter Wiese: Pictures of the Bible for children, New Testament, Lahr 1966

Kathleen Arnott: The Pumpkin Children, Freiburg i.Br. [among others] 1966

Hans Hoffmann: Pictures for children from the life of Jesus, Düsseldorf 1966

Visit to Rome and other stories, Düsseldorf 1966

The singing mussel, Freiburg i.Br. [among others] 1967

Georg Opitz: Remember them, Munich 1968

Evelyn Sibley Lampman: Do some magic, Ms. Hopdaisy, Stuttgart 1969

Käthe Recheis: Mia Maria and the Painter, Vienna [among others] 1970

Inge Ott: Off to Homuleila, Stuttgart 1970

Alfons Hayduk: Heaven of Joy, Munich 1971

Gudrun Pausewang: Behind the House the Aquarius, Düsseldorf 1972

Josef Guggenmos: On a star called Moritz, Freiburg im Breisgau [among others] 1972

Do you know how many little stars there are?, Freiburg im Breisgau [among others] 1972

Heribert Grüger: Europe primer, Düsseldorf 1973

Traud Gravenhorst: Homesickness of the heart. Travel to Sagan. Beloved Valley, Munich 1974

God's Word for our Children, Munich 1975

Heribert Grüger: Christmas carol primer, Düsseldorf 1976

Heribert Grüger: The Golden Song Primer, Düsseldorf 1977

Heribert Grüger: The good night song primer, Düsseldorf 1978

Heribert Grüger: Let's sing, dance and jump, Düsseldorf 1980

Heribert Grüger: Be funny, be happy, tralalala!, Düsseldorf 1979

Heribert Grüger: The animal song primer, Düsseldorf 1979

Hänschen Klein, Freiburg im Breisgau [among others] 1981

The new song primer, Düsseldorf 1982

The song primer kunterbunt, Düsseldorf 1983

The song primer “Sing with us”, Düsseldorf 1987

Josef Quadflieg: The little book about the holy patron saints, Düsseldorf 1997

Erwin Kroll (*3. February 1886 in Deutsch Eylau, East Prussia; † 7. March 1976 in West Berlin) was a German pianist, composer, writer and music critic. Like his friend Otto Besch, Kroll was an East Prussian composer.

Life:Around 1900 Kroll came to Königsberg i. Pr. and attended the Royal Hufengymnasium with Otto Besch. At the Albertus UniversityHe studied philology and music. With a doctoral thesis on ETA Hoffmann, who has always been revered in Königsberg, he received his Dr. phil. received his doctorate, he went into teaching. In 1919 he turned entirely to music and continued his studies in Munich, which he had begun with Otto Fiebach and Paul Scheinpflug. There he found an important teacher, especially in Hans Pfitzner. He later dedicated a highly acclaimed book to him. In addition to his studies, Kroll was an accompanist at the Munich State Opera and secretary of the Hans Pfitzner Association for German Music, which Thomas Mann had called for to be founded. In 1925 Kroll returned to East Prussia and became music critic for the Hartungsche Zeitung, and from 1930 onwards it was its features editor.Since 1934 he worked in Berlin as a critic and music writer. After the Second World War he headed the music department of the Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk in Berlin until 1953. With his book, Kroll has created a monument to the (forgotten) importance of Königsberg as a music city.


East Prussian homeland - orchestral work

Violin Sonata in B major

Sonatina in F major

East Prussian dances

The Adebar - fantasy about East Prussian folk tunes for large orchestra

Vocal works and song arrangements

Songs for solo voices and choir songs


Music city Koenigsberg

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1923.

Hans Pfitzner. Three Masks Verlag, Munich 1924 .

The theater. Festschrift for the 25th anniversary of the Dortmund Municipal Theater. The theater, Berlin 1930.

Carl Maria Weber. Athenaion, Potsdam 1934 .

Music city Königsberg. Atlantis, Freiburg i. Br. 1966.


Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Cross of Merit on Ribbon (27. January 1956)

Cultural Prize of the East Prussian State Team (1960)

Work: Johannes Grüger first came to prominence in 1927 with the innovative musical representations for a “song primer” that his brother, the music teacher Heribert Grüger, had written. The work and its two follow-up volumes were a great sales success. In the 1930s, Johannes Grüger also began illustrating novels and stories. After 1945 he worked for the Brentan publishing house run by his friend, the publisher Viktor Kubczak, and later mainly for the publishing houses Schwann and Patmos-Verlag. Grüger particularly illustrated Bible editions, catechisms, saints' stories, narrative children's books for a Catholic reading audience and other songbooks for children. The works of the author Josef Quadflieg that he illustrated were particularly successful. For his illustrations, Grüger used a folk