This listing is for a large lot of vintage cotton quilt fabrics cut into rounds. The lot also includes circles of batting and 100+ premade "yoyo" pieces.

What a fun lot! My imagination goes wild!! This lot includes hundreds of precut circle cotton quilt pieces! It also includes a stack of precut batting and a baggie of over 100 gathered "yoyo" pieces!! I'm sorry, but no...I did not count the round fabric pieces...

Rainbow colors and hundreds of patterns are included in this lot! From the most delicate "tiny" prints to Autumn pieces in fall colors to Christmas in red, white and green! I really spent some time in putting "like" circles together... yet I see there are some duplicates! Sorry! It is hard to say for certain what age these are; but so many are reminiscent of the 60's and 70's that I feel like the majority are from that time frame.

The pieces range from single rounds to duplicates in 2, 3, 6 pieces or more! Most pieces measures 4 1/4" across, but may be as small as 3" across. Almost all the circles are unstained and complete; but there are a few with either a light stain or a edge cut off or a short side. I think most of the rounds are 100% cotton; but there are probably some blends in there. A few rounds are light weight fabric. They are for the most part - clean - and do not smell of smoke, mildew, must, mothballs or have pet odor. 

Photo #1 - shows the complete lot.
Photo #2, 3 & 4 - shows the single decorated round for use on a jelly jar(?), the stack of batting in several colors and sizes. The stack is roughly 3" tall. The baggie of "yoyo's" - there are approx. 104 pieces gathered into "yoyo's"... give or take one or two. I believe all the yoyo pieces do have matching fabric mates in the unused circle stacks. The hand stitching could be removed and the rounds could be utilized into your own design.
Photo #5 is the overview of all the rounds. Stacked up, the fabric pieces make 3 - approximately 3" tall stacks. 
Photo #6 through 11 are close ups 
Photo #12 is an overview of the lot, stacked differently: the top left two stacks are the majority of the rounds, to the right, the stack of batting and the bag of "yoyo's". Under that are several smaller rows of rounds which I think are the sweetest and smallest of the "tiny" prints, to their right is a stack of the "dotted Swiss" rounds and the stack of solid fabric (which includes an 1 1/2" of solid red rounds) and the single "decorated" jar lid round
Photo #13 and 14 are close ups of the "tiny prints"
Photo #15 is another "overview" of the entire lot.

If I was a quilter and was wondering what to do with these; although the original quilter probably had intended to make a "yoyo" quilt... I think that I'd go a different direction! I'd cut blocks out of the rounds and utilize them in some sort of block patchwork. I'm also quite taken with the rounds that are of a very "tiny" print. I can see separating them out and making something special with them. 

As mentioned previously, these items are overall, in very good to excellent condition. They are clean and do not have any offensive odor.

Unless otherwise instructed, these items will be double bagged and shipped in a plastic mailer. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me prior to the end of the auction.

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Thanks for looking!!

"Waste not ~ Want not!!"

Je suis prest!