The Lovers  - a pair of soulmate snow owls

An original acrylic painting on canvas - ready to hang as is, or you may wish to purchase a frame to put this painting in.

Loosely based on a tarot deck, but are stand alone paintings in their own right.

I played around with the idea of creating my own deck a few years ago, and have painted several major arcana cards - the theme of the deck was owls/woodland creatures.  I sadly didn't have the time to commit to this project and so the paintings I created have been in storage.  This is the first to be listed.

This acrylic painting is 12ins x 9ins, painted in vibrant colours.

All images copyright of the artist J Thomas, an artist living and working in Pembrokeshire, Wales.  A self taught artist working in different mediums and inspired by nature and all her beauty. 

Thanks for your looking