Hi and welcome to this auction for a massive 2nd hand lot of Warmaster (10mm scale) Undead - Tomb Kings. This is all original GW metal apart from some of the painted skeleton infantry (identified below) which are also metal but I think are a 3rd party manufacturer. It’s all in used condition; definitely a project to repair and restore, if someone can afford the time to unlock its full potential. A massive vat of paint stripper would be a good place to start, although a few of the big blocks of infantry are pretty well painted - if you don’t mind the scheme you could keep them and save yourself some work. There are a few breakages (some of the characters and charioteers have very fiddly weapons for example) but generally everything is complete and unbroken, and where things are broken the pieces are mostly included to fix them. For example I can see that all the big stuff (Zombie Dragons, Giants, Sphinx) are all complete and unbroken.

Here is the list of units:

2+ sets of Tomb Kings Characters

2 Zombie Dragons

6 Skeleton Chariots

3 Skeleton infantry

8 *3rd Party* Skeleton infantry

9 Skeleton archers

3 Skeleton Cavalry

4 Skull Chukkas

3 Bolt Throwers

1 Sphinx

1 Carrion

2 Bone Giants

The usual unit numbers apply (e.g. 1 unit means 3 bases of infantry, or 2 bolt throwers, or 1 Sphinx etc.)

Any questions feel free to send me a message - cheers.