You are looking at a set of 2 DVDs of Ed Wood's Devil Girls & Vampire's Tomb! Shot in Chicago in the late 90s/early 00s. Directed by Andre Perkowski using Wood's novel of the same name, it is a SOV on bizarro arthouse film... and quite funny. 

Only  a few of these exist and were purchased when they were available on Amazon.

From The Underground Film Journal in 2008, "It really takes awhile for Devil Girls to find its plot, but essentially it’s about a gang of four chicks. While consummate bad girl Lilah has been cooling her heels in prison, crazy blonde Dee has taken over leadership of the gang. She arranges for the girls to help local scumbag Lark bring a huge shipment of drugs over from Mexico. Then, Lilah busts out, busts up Dee for control of the gang again and does her best to cozy up to Lark to become his main squeeze.

There’s a lot of other stupid crap going on, but with the title of the film the girls really are the main attraction here. I don’t have a cast list to work with, but I thought the women were all excellently cast and that they all really get into their roles. Lilah looks maniacal with her big, piercing eyes and garishly applied lipstick; Dee is wildly psycho with her wavy blonde mane; while Rhoda — Lilah’s younger sister — talks tough and sexy, but her babyface betrays her inner good girl nature that must eventually bubble up to the surface.

I’m just glad Perkowski dusted off his old project and has unleashed it into respectible society. Ol’ Ed would have gotten a real hoot out of his work being treated so lovingly."