Hey everyone, welcome to Madison Ave. Variety! I'm Cal, one of the owners, and I'm thrilled to have you here.


I want to share a bit about our story and why this store means so much to us. I've been a gamer for over half of my 27 years. My parents and I used to run a local game shop, but we had to close it down in 2017 due to personal reasons. However, that hasn't stopped me from dreaming of owning a shop again and making it the best it can be. So, together with my parents, we've embarked on a quest to reopen our store. Every item you see here brings us one step closer to achieving that dream.


We're not looking for handouts; we're eager to put in the hard work to make this happen. If you'd like to support our dream, please take a look around and find something you love. Your purchase will go a long way in helping us on our grand quest!