NUTRO knows that dogs are valued members of the family, and they deserve healthy, wholesome meals that nourish their lives. NUTRO NATURAL CHOICE Small Breed Adult Dry Dog Food, Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe is a delicious main meal that’s rich in nutrients, full of flavor, and formulated for small dogs. Featuring real chicken as the first ingredient, this NUTRO small breed dog food recipe also contains wholesome grains and fats for healthy energy, and calcium for strong bones and joints. Feed your small breed pup with confidence knowing that NUTRO recipes are formulated without chicken by-product meal, corn, wheat, or soy protein, and contain no artificial flavors, colors, or artificial preservatives*. As part of our pledge to pets and pet parents, NUTRO is committed to safeguarding the source of natural ingredients by working with farmers to protect and improve soil health so we can continue to grow healthy pets for years to come. * Trace amounts may be present due to potential cross-manufacturing
Supports Healthy Skin & Coat: NUTRO NATURAL CHOICE Adult Dry Dog Food for small breed dogs contains Omega 3 & 6 fatty acids to promote healthy skin & a soft, shiny coat
Made With Real Chicken: Real chicken is the #1 ingredient in this protein-rich recipe
Helps Support Strong Bones and Joints: Formulated with calcium to support strong bones and joints
Helps Clean Teeth: Crunchy texture helps clean teeth to help control plaque build up to support dental health
Let’s Grow Healthy Pets: At NUTRO, we believe in growing healthy pets with a range of dog food, cat food, and delicious treats that harness the goodness of nature to help your pets live full and active lives
5 lb. Bag: Contains one (1) 5 lb. bag of NUTRO NATURAL CHOICE Small Breed Adult Dry Dog Food, Chicken & Brown Rice Recipe Dog Kibble