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 Authorised Dealer

A Brand New & Fresh set of Picato 4-String Bass strings
Nickel Roundwound, Long Scale 34" (97352)

1 - 0.045"
2 - 0.065"
3 - 0.085"
4 - 0.105"

Picato quote -
British made Strings. The wounds strings are made from US nickel wrap wire hand spum over US steel, Plain strings are made from US steel.



Also available in my Ebay Shop -

Lots more Picato strings

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Subject to availability


If you want a straightforward, fast & no hassle transaction, with honest postage fees. Then look no further.

     I'm a guitarist with 20+ years experience. I only sell products that I know about and are of good quality and are essential for your enjoyment or profession.