Hi - I am revising this.  I am getting way too many questions and my message back limit is getting reached every day and I have to wait 24 hours write back to you guys.

I'm in my 50's.  I've been directing and producing movies and Tv shows for over 25 years.  For a awhile, I was authenticating classic iconic movie memorabilia for studio sales to the public.

These are 100% as authentic. And any collector will tell you, we are jumping for joy, when we can find any kind of documentation.  

At this backyard blowout of set dressing, they usually pull off all the documentation and it just looks like a garage sale. 

As luck would have it, the bag I found had what you see above.  I'm not a huge Twilight fan, but it caught my curiosity.  This was at least 15+ years ago.  I would NOT have bought them, but then I saw the paperwork with them that said "Bella" and "Cullen" on it and thought it might be cute for my sister to put on the door to her room.

Typically, no one cares about set dressing, so they sell for pennies on the dollar to just get rid of it, and 90% of buyers are buying the items; lamp, couches, pianos for their homes. 

The paperwork is clearly old. The little photos, on the papers, are cut outs that are taped onto the inventory form - As you can see on the other pages (I DONT HAVE THOSE ITEMS) the box/item numbers go up. There are thousands of items they have to box and inventory.  We do this because, if we have to come back to the location, we need to have all the original set dressing and be able to replicate it.

I did NOT doctor anything up.  The pages are wrinkled and made on an old cheap inkjet printer. They are clearly from decades ago.  (likely as if they were possibly going to put the numbers in two locations (maybe the maibox and the front door -- and maybe they did).  They took a series of photos and laser printed them on sheets to know exactly where to hang them if they had to come back to the house months later for a re-shoot. 

I think in the photo with the two sets of the address photo they possibly were going to put the numbers in two locations (maybe the maibox and the front door -- and maybe they did).

And, being that these set dressing items are just that, they are rarely collected on.  People want costumes and props, that the actors held or wore.  I thought it was cool, I collect on strange stuff. Again, just happened to have paperwork that said what it was.

INCLUDED:  The 3 numbers, screws, the doorbell, the inventory sheet for those items, 2 pages of on set photos for reference, 8 additional pages of other large set dressing furniture, that I have no idea that it was there on sale or not.  The furniture may have been there, but I wasn't there to buy furniture and it's rare anyone wants it.  

ALSO -  No one would go the the bother to fake this and the documentation.  They would do it on clothing or props, etc.'  Items that would make more money.  This is something tossed away by the set dresser as garbage back then. 

Feel free to contact me with questions, but keep them brief and put them all in one message (not 5).  This listing is blowing out my ability to message anyone period (didnt know you had a maximum amount of messages you can send in a day.