Pages with stamps (see photos not all pages with stamps are in the photos above due to photo limit but if you want more please message me and I will send photos through):

Algeria - Andorra, Antigua - Argentina - Ascension, Australia - Australian Antarctic territory - Austria, Bahamas - Bahrain, Bangladesh - Barbados, Barbuda – Belgium, Belize – Benin – Bermuda, British Virgin Islands, – Brunei, Cambodia – Cameroon, Canada, Cayman Islands – Central African Empire, Chad – Chile, China, Costa Rica – Cuba, Cyprus, Czechoslovakia, Denmark – Djibouti, Ecuador – Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, – Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, – Faroe Islands, Fiji – Finland, France, Germany, Ghana, Gibraltar – Gilbert Island, Great Britain, Great Britain (regional issues), Greece – Greenland, Guatemala – Guernsey, Guana– Heidi, Honduras – Hong Kong, Hungary,

India, Indonesia – Iran, Iraq – Ireland, Isle of Man – Israel, Italy, Ivory Coast, – Jamaica, Japan, Jersey – Jordan, Kenya,

Lesotho – Liberia, Luxembourg – Macau, Malagasy, Democratic Republic – Malawi, Malaysia, Malta – Mauritania, Mauritius – Mexico, Monaco – Mongolia, Nepal – Netherlands, Netherland Antilles – new Caledonia – new Hebrides, New Zealand – Nicaragua – Niger, Nigeria – Niue , Norfolk Ireland – Norway, Amman – Pakistan – Panama, Peru – Philippines – Pitcairn Islands, Poland, Portugal – Qatar, Rhodesia – Ross dependency, Romania, Russia, San Marino – Saudi Arabia, Sierra Leone – Singapore, Solomon Islands – Somalia, South Africa, Spain – Sri Lanka, Sudan – Surinam, Swaziland – Sweden, Switzerland – Syria, Tanzania – Thailand,

Trinidad and Tobago – Tristan da Cunha, Tunisia – Turkey, Turks and Caicos, Islands – Tuvalu, United Arab Emirates, United Nations, United States, Uruguay – Vatican City, Venezuela – Vietnam, Yemen People’s Democratic Republic- Yugoslavia

There are a few pages of stamps that are not on the proper paper. They are as follows:

Four pages of Hungarian stamps, two pages of Polish stamps, one page of Russian stamps.

Blank pages:

Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Bhutan – Bolivia – Botswana, Brazil – British Antarctic territory, Bulgaria, Burma – Burundi, canal zone – Cape Verde, Islands, Christmas island – Cocos (Keeling), islands, Columbia – Comaro Islands, Congo Republic – Cook Islands, Dominica – Dominican Republic, French, Polynesia – French southern, and Antarctic territories, Gabon – Gambia, Granada – Granada Grenadines, guinea, Iceland, Korea – Kuwait, Laos – Lebanon, Libya – Lichtenstein, Maldives Island – Mali, Montserrat – Morocco, Mozambique – Nauru, Papua New Guinea – Paraguay – Penryhn, Rwanda – St Christopher Nevis Aguila, St Helena – St Lucia, St Pierre et Miquelon – St Thomas Prince Islands, St Vincent – Saint Vincent Grenadines, El Salvador, – Samoli Samoa, Senegal – Seychelles, South Georgia – South West Africa, Tokelau – Togo, Tonga – Transkei, Uganda – upper Volta, Wallis Futuna Islands – Yemen Arab Republic