You are bidding on one handwritten, signed letter ofComposers, pianists, conductors, bandmasters, singers and music teachers Ernst Meyerolbersleben (1898-1991), until 1945 director of the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar.

Aimed at the pianist, composer, writer and music critic Erwin Kroll (1886-1976) in Berlin.

EnclosedTypescript carbon copy of the answerby Erwin Kroll.

DatedWeimar, the 16th May 1948.

Very interesting content; regards Meyerolbersleben's "Relations to the Third Reich", about which Kroll has “the wrong idea”.

"I would like to know how you come to such an attitude, who slandered me. I would like to ask you, as a former student colleague, to enlighten me about this; Because it's about time that we Germans finally put a stop to these troublemakers. I'm on the trail of two of these brothers. 'Back then' they had good relations with Propa. Ministry - and today - they are floating on top again - and ours, who were constantly in opposition - which I can officially prove - to that2 operas were banned - who had difficulties upon difficulties - and only allowed himself to be persuaded to join the party after 3 years of service (1943), after he received an official reprimand in 42 because he was not in the NSV, must allow himself to be constantly insulted .

I dared - at my school contrary to the orders and the will of my colleagues to secure all Jewish literature - I saved two students from the Gestapo's grasp - I am not a NS lecturer. occurred. –

But others very cleverly falsified their questionnaires. I have a good memory. I would never pull a string on someone because of their political past - but if someone shoots mean shots at me from the background - I defend myself - because these scoundrels have to be rendered harmless.

But please help me track it down.

Your Ernst Meyerolbersleben."

Scope:1¼ A4 pages described.

Kroll's answer as a typescript carbon copy (one A5 page), dated 26. May 1948.

Excerpts:"[...] no one has slandered you to me, and as far as I'm concerned you shouldn't be outraged. As things stand today, the entire denazification process has long since become a grotesque, but you have to reckon with this grotesqueness for the time being."

Kroll points out that a denazification process takes longer in Berlin than in the East or West sectors, and cites Gerhard von Westerman and Johannes Student as examples.

"If I can give you some advice: don't get angry at other people, don't look for someone to blame, you use up too much energy. Wait for the 'general cleaning', which must come soon."

Each without an envelope.

Condition: Letters punched on the side (without loss of text). Paper browned, slightly stained and wrinkled, with corner creases, the first letter with a small tear. bPlease also note the pictures!

Internal note: Kroll 2021-12-8 Autograph Autograph

About Ernst Meyerolbersleben and Erwin Kroll (source: wikipedia):

Ernst Ludwig Meyerolbersleben (*30. October 1898 in Würzburg; † 17. November 1991 in Berlin) was a German composer, pianist, conductor, bandmaster, singer and music teacher. His father was the composer and pianist Max Meyer-Olbersleben.

Life: Meyerolbersleben studied at the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. He worked in Dresden, Munich, Würzburg, Weimar and Berlin. From 1940 to 1945 he was deputy director and in 1945 interim director of the Franz Liszt University of Music Weimar. From 1951 to 1953 he directed the folk music school in Berlin-Mitte (today: Fanny Hensel Music School). He then worked as a lecturer at the University of Music in Charlottenburg.

One of his operas, Irrwisch, text based on Olga Brugger, was premiered on March 17th. In June 1937, the National Socialists booed it in Wiesbaden as a supposed denigration of the swastika, whereupon the composer never had it performed again.


Ernst Meyerolbersleben's compositions include:

operas and operettas,

Chamber music: sonatas, quartets and suites,

Choirs based on various poets, including Goethe, Hesse, Brentano, Claudius, Eichendorff, Morgenstern, Sack, Storm, Uhland,

modern chorales,

songs and duets,

Chansons based on Bierbaum, Wedekind, Wolzogen, A. Holz and others


Arrangements of French, Spanish, Russian and Romanian folk songs

Erwin Kroll (*3. February 1886 in Deutsch Eylau, East Prussia; † 7. March 1976 in West Berlin) was a German pianist, composer, writer and music critic. Like his friend Otto Besch, Kroll was an East Prussian composer.

Life:Around 1900 Kroll came to Königsberg i. Pr. and attended the Royal Hufengymnasium with Otto Besch. At the Albertus UniversityHe studied philology and music. With a doctoral thesis on ETA Hoffmann, who has always been revered in Königsberg, he received his Dr. phil. received his doctorate, he went into teaching. In 1919 he turned entirely to music and continued his studies in Munich, which he had begun with Otto Fiebach and Paul Scheinpflug. There he found an important teacher, especially in Hans Pfitzner. He later dedicated a highly acclaimed book to him. In addition to his studies, Kroll was an accompanist at the Munich State Opera and secretary of the Hans Pfitzner Association for German Music, which Thomas Mann had called for to be founded. In 1925 Kroll returned to East Prussia and became music critic for the Hartungsche Zeitung, and from 1930 onwards it was its features editor.Since 1934 he worked in Berlin as a critic and music writer. After the Second World War he headed the music department of the Nordwestdeutscher Rundfunk in Berlin until 1953. With his book, Kroll has created a monument to the (forgotten) importance of Königsberg as a music city.


East Prussian homeland - orchestral work

Violin Sonata in B major

Sonatina in F major

East Prussian dances

The Adebar - fantasy about East Prussian folk tunes for large orchestra

Vocal works and song arrangements

Songs for solo voices and choir songs


Music city Koenigsberg

Ernst Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann. Breitkopf & Härtel, Leipzig 1923.

Hans Pfitzner. Three Masks Verlag, Munich 1924 .

The theater. Festschrift for the 25th anniversary of the Dortmund Municipal Theater. The theater, Berlin 1930.

Carl Maria Weber. Athenaion, Potsdam 1934 .

Music city Königsberg. Atlantis, Freiburg i. Br. 1966.


Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany, Cross of Merit on Ribbon (27. January 1956)

Cultural Prize of the East Prussian State Team (1960)

Life:Around 1900 Kroll came to Königsberg i. Pr. and attended the Royal Hufengymnasium with Otto Besch. At the Albertus UniversityHe studied philology and music. With a doctoral thesis on ETA Hoffmann, who has always been revered in Königsberg, he received his Dr. phil. received his doctorate, he went into teaching. In 1919 he turned entirely to music and continued his studies in Munich, which he had begun with Otto Fiebach and Paul Scheinpflug. There he found an important teacher, especially in Hans Pfitzner. He later dedicated a highly acclaimed book to him. In addition to his studies, Kroll was an accompanist at the Munich State Opera and secretary of the Hans Pfitzner Association for German Music, which Thomas Mann had called for to be founded. In 1925 Kroll returned to East Prussia an