Copper Chef 10-Piece Stainless Steel Cookware Set


Elevate your cooking with this Copper Chef 3D Matrix Non-Stick Stainless Steel Cookware Set. This premium collection includes a versatile 11" pan among nine other kitchen essentials, all featuring tri-ply construction for even heating and durability. Perfect for any culinary task, this set ensures a superior cooking experience with every use.






Dishwasher Safe: Yes
Metal Utensil Safe: Yes
Stackable: Yes
Metal Utensil Safe: Yes
Oven Safe: Yes
Stovetop Types: Induction, Gas, Electric, Glass, Ceramic
Heat Resistant: up to 450° F (Pan) / up to 350° F (Lid)
Construction: Try-Ply
Pan Materials: Stainless Steel / Aluminum Core / Non-Stick Cooking Surface
Handle Assembly: Riveted




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gastronomy gesture get give glad Glass gleaming glittering glossy glow glowing gluttonous go good gourmet grate grease great greatest grill grilling growing grub guest guiltless gusto halfandhalf hand happen happening happiest harder hardest haute head Heat heated heater heating higher highest highly hit holiday homemaking honest horny host hot hotter housecraft housework humid hurl hygienic ideal ignite immaculate immediate impeccable improved improving in incomparable increased increasing indignant inferno inflame infuriated innocent intact intensity intervene into irate ironing irreproachable itinerary ivory journey kettle kindle kindling kitchen kitchenette kitchenware Knife knock la lamp larder lather launch lawabiding leading leave lick Lid lift lilywhite line liniment livid local long lotion luncheon lustrous mad maiden make manage manipulate mantel mantle mash massage matchless Materials maximum meal meals Meaning meat menu Metal milk milking misrepresent mix moisturizer moment moral more most much muggy mulled near nearby nearly neat neighboring nibbles nice nicest noble none nonpareil NonStick nosebag nosh notice nourishment nouvelle nutrient nutriment nutrition obtain occur of off officer offwhite ointment okay on oncoming operate optimal optimum out outbreak outclass outdo outmatch outreach outshine outsmart outstanding outwit Oven over overcome overpower overshadow overwhelm own pabulum Pan par pass passenger pasta pastry path patrolman patrolwoman patron peace peak peerless penmanship pennypinching perfect pick piping place plane player poaching policeman policewoman pomade pop popular porridge possible pot preeminent premier preparation prepare prettier prettiest price pricing pride prime principal principled pristine prize proceed progress provender provisions provoke pudding pull pulp purchaser pure pursue put race racing raging rags range rate rather rations ready really red redhot refreshment rehabilitation reinforcing reliever remove reproach Resistant respectable restaurant rig right righteous rightminded Riveted road roasting roll rout route rustle sack Safe salve sanitary sauce scalding science scoff scorching scrubbed searing second secretive seethe seething select set shellac shift shining shiny shipshape shoot shooting shopper short shot should shrinking simmer simmering sinless sizzling skim skinny sling slip smoldering smouldering sniping snowy span spark sparkling speckless spend spicandspan spick spickandspan Spoon spotless squeaky squeeze stack Stainless star started Steaming steamy Steel step stewing stick stifling stimulate stir stopper stores stove Stovetop strict strong stronger stub stuffy subsistence succeed sultry superb superior superlative supper supreme surpass surpassing surrounding survival sustenance sweltering switch synonyms table tack tag taintless take tariff temperature terminate terrific The thrash thrive throw ticket tidy tied Titan to together toll top topdrawer topnotch torch toss tough tour track trajectory transition transpire transportation travel traveler travelling trigger trip tropical trounce tuck tucker turmoil turn Types ultimate unadulterated unassailable unbeatable unbeaten unblemished uncontaminated uncorrupt uncorrupted unction undamaged undefiled under undisturbed unexampled unexcelled unexceptionable unguent unimpaired unimpeachable unparalleled unpolluted unrivaled unsoiled unspoiled unspoilt unspotted unstained unsullied unsurpassable unsurpassed untainted untarnished untouched up upright upstanding utmost vacation vanquish vent verve very viands vicinity victuals virgin virginal virtue virtuous vittles voyage walk warm warmed warmer warming warmth wash washed way weather welcome well wend whip white wholesome with wonderful word worthy zeal TRUE