You are bidding on one Pre-Phila letter from 1855 out of Gotha.

The Ducal Saxon Conistory turns to the theology student Carl Arthur Kirchner in Leipzig and tells him that he is Zinkernagel scholarship is awarded for three years.

DatedGotha, the 12th March 1855.

Signedfrom the Senior consistory councilorJohann Friedrich Freytag (1781-1860).

About the student: Carl Arthur Kirchner (* 19. January 1836 in Delmschütz; † 12. January 1929 in Dresden) attended the Nikolaischule Leipzig from 1847 and the University of Leipzig from 1855. After his ordination in 1864, he took over the 3rd position in the same year. Position (deacon) in Wurzen and from 1872 until he retired in 1904 Pastor in Nischwitz.

About the scholarship:"Johann Christian Zinkernagel, go. Assistant Councilor of Gotha, donated (4. January 1740) a scholarship of 40 Rthlr. From the original fund of 1000 Rthlr. are by comparison from 25. March 1754 the orphanage 200 Rthr. been left. Relatives from the Zinkernagel and Gotter families will receive a share of the scholarship if they have graduated from the university or according to a ducal rescript dated June 6th. February 1828 attend a forestry academy. The interest is now 34 Rthlr. Collator: Oberconsistorium zu Gotha." (Source: August Beck: History of the City of Gotha, Gotha 1870, p. 535).

Scope: two text pages, one blank page, one address page (33 x 20.3 cm).

Format (folded): 16.7 x 8.3 cm.

Sold as a state official item; with postmark Gotha, 17. March.

Condition: paper browned and heavily stained; with tears in the fold (in the second sheet with the address page solid). bplease note the pictures too!

Internal note: KRSt 210414

About the Higher Consistorial Council cf. the work: “Johnn Friedrich Freitag, born on the 4th July 1781, died on the 18th April 1860. A characteristic of his nature and work, dedicated to his relatives, friends and admirers by Friedrich Henneberg", Gotha 1860.

About the student: Carl Arthur Kirchner (* 19. January 1836 in Delmschütz; † 12. January 1929 in Dresden) attended the Nikolaischule Leipzig from 1847 and the University of Leipzig from 1855. After his ordination in 1864, he took over the 3rd position in the same year. Position (deacon) in Wurzen and from 1872 until he retired in 1904 Pastor in Nischwitz. About the scholarship:"Johann Christian Zinkernagel, go. Assistant Councilor of Gotha, donated (4. January 1740) a scholarship of 40 Rthlr. From the original fund of 1000 Rthlr. are by comparison from 25. March 1754 the orphanage 200 Rthr. been left. Relatives from the Zinkernagel and Gotter families will receive a share of the scholarship if they have graduated from the university or according to a ducal rescript dated June 6th. February