Pre-Columbian Mayan Dragon Bowl

This bowl features what I believe are two adult dragons chasing what might be dragon tadpoles? I might be wrong as I often am. If you have further insight into what this may represent drop me an email with your thoughts. 

Dates from 300 to 900 AD. Measures 3 inches tall, 6 7/8 inches wide, and weighs 448 grams

Testing Methods Utilized

Multiple manganese deposits were identified on this artifact. .5 ml of laboratory grade 34% H2O2 was applied to multiple manganese deposits. Under 2000X magnification a strong and instant chemical reaction was observed and recorded. The fourth and fifth pictures in this listing shows the chemical reaction of the manganese spots on this artifact. A positive manganese reaction test is conclusive evidence that this artifact was buried in soil for several centuries. Further testing for authenticity is unnecessary and not required.


I and my small staff all suffer from OCD Type AAA. (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder About Authenticating Artifacts) so we went ahead and performed the following tests.

Visual and Tactile Examination

Design, colors, style, and the burnished finish are similar to other known Mayan artifacts. Surfaces are smooth with no sharp edges, indicative of heavy use and erosion. Mineral deposits were observed indicative of centuries of under ground burial. When gently "thumped" the artifact emits a low tone sound indicating a low temperature firing which is typical of Pre-Columbian pottery.

Acetone Paint Test

A solution of 100% Acetone was swabbed on a painted surface of the artifact with a medical cotton swab. No pant residue was observed on the swab after moderate rubbing of the painted surface indicating that the artifact was painted before firing. Mayan pottery is known to have been painted before firing.

Certification Of Authenticity

After finishing our examinations and tests we are 100% sure that this artifact is authentic. Just to be sure we took the artifact to a expert Artifact Authenticator who has examined tens of thousands of artifacts in the past 30 years. After a thorough and detailed examination he concluded that this artifact is authentic and issued a Certificate of Authenticity.


1. Certificate of Authenticity INCLUDED

2. No questions asked FREE 60 day return policy on eBay INCLUDED.

    We pay your return shipping if you decide to return this for any reason at all.

3. Lifetime guarantee of authenticity. INCLUDED

4. Thermoluminescence Test Guarantee. INCLUDED

Thermoluminescence Test Guarantee

If you send this artifact to a laboratory in the United States for a thermoluminescence test within 90 days of purchase and it fails the test we will reimburse you for the cost of the test in addition to providing you a free shipping label to send the item back to us for a full refund of your original purchase and shipping costs. We are able to offer this guarantee due to our own extensive testing of this artifact in our private facility and the simple fact that we believe in standing behind what we sell. We highly recommend Artemis Laboratory for TL testing. Sending in samples you retrieved yourself and not the entire artifact VOIDS this guarantee. We wouldn't want someone sending in samples from their grandmas porcelain bed pan. 

Cleaning and Preservation

After finishing our examinations and tests we carefully cleaned the artifact with sterilized distilled water. Unsightly calcium deposits were removed when possible to do so without damaging the surface. After air drying for two days we applied museum micro polymer wax to the outer surfaces. This wax is used by museums worldwide to preserve their artifacts. This wax reinforces and stabilizes the outer surfaces, and provides some protection from further deterioration. If you decide to repeat our manganese reaction test you might have to gently swab the area above the manganese spot with acetone as sometimes the wax will prevent the H2O2 from reaching the manganese spot.

Display and Enjoyment

I have found that displaying artifacts in a glass curio case works the best. Avoid those curios with bright lights and processed wood or plastic bases. These materials can emit fumes that may affect artifacts. Avoid using acrylics as they can emit fumes also. I prefer to arrange my artifacts by culture. How you display is up to you. Have fun with it. If you find yourself constantly changing your mind about how you want to display your artifacts welcome to the wonderfull world of collecting artifacts :) 

With proper display and avoidance of big temperature or humidity variations you will enjoy your artifacts for many years to come. Depending upon the terms of your divorce settlement either your children or your ex-wife will also enjoy your artifacts for many years.

More Information About Ancient Artifacts

I have found that the best source for information about ancient artifacts is youtube. There are countless videos there about artifacts and the cultures that produced them. I listen to these videos while working and have found that the best videos about authenticating artifacts are the ones produced by Bob Dodge of Artemis Galleries. I wished he would produce more. They are entertaining and very informative. I just wished he would make more. He is an expert authenticator and also owns the most modern and renown thermoluminescence testing laboratory in the United States. If you want to have this or any artifact in your collection TL tested I highly recommend his laboratory. 

About Me

I am not fond of sellers bragging about themselves. I prefer to let my feedback speak for itself. I will say that since 2010 I have sold over 225,000 listings on ebay so yes I stay extremely busy. I am a workaholic and love what I do. Retirement is not in my future. My kids are adults now and have finally moved out so I live alone with my 5 dogs who are my family now. I apologize in advance if a stray dog hair makes its way onto a coin or artifact. Nothing to worry about their rabies shots are up to date.

Shameless Self Promotion Section

If you have scrolled this far down your better half is probably yelling at you to get off the computer or you simply have too much free time on your hands. In either case I'm gonna throw in some self promotions below. Thank you for visiting this page:)

Buy this RISK FREE. I offer FREE 60 day returns. If you don't like this for any reason email me and I will send you a FREE return label the same day. No questions asked and no explanations needed. If a customer is not happy then I'm not happy. I rather enjoy being happy, don't you? :)

If you have bought from me in the past add this listing to your watchlist and I will send you a special offer that is reserved for my loyal customers that have helped me build my business over the last 13 years. Your support and loyalty is greatly appreciated. Thank you very much.

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Inventory # 100-B