1916 Jul 25 SCIENCE ABSTRACTS Physics journal DUHEM Langmuir HARLOW SHAPLEY more

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  • Title: Science Abstracts, Section A—Physics
  • Date: July 25, 1916
  • Pagination: pp273–312 as published (plus wraps and front matter)
  • Condition: Good; some sun-fading of cover near spine; interior clean and complete; staples rusted; rumpled from storage; owner's name on cover

[OCR is approximate, as always]

CONTENTS. GENERAL PHYSICS PAGE 744. Artillery Chronoscope.... 273 745. Graphical Method for Solution of Equations. H. G. Deming 278 746. Floating Equilibrium. T. W. Richards & G. W. Harris 273 747. Endurance under Alternating Stresses. B. P. Haigh 274 748. Elastic Peculiarities of Phosphor-Bronze Wires. L. P. Sieg & A. 7. Ochler 749. Aerial Trajectories of Projectiles. 275 E. Esclangon 750. Trajectories of Long-range Projectiles. de Sparre 275 275 751. Hydraulic Flow Reviewed. A. A. Barnes...... 275 752. Five-fold Variety in the Physical Universe. 7. Ishiv 276 753. Statistical Mechanics. C. V. L. Charlier 754. 277 755. Distribution of Cyclonic Precipitation in Japan. 277 T. Terada 277 756. 757. 278 Temperature and Radiation of the Sun. F. Bisc 278 758. Terrestrial Influence on Frequency of Sun-spots. H. Arctowskz., 278 759. Variation of Latitude of Sun-spots. H. Arctowski 278 760. Nature of Coronium Atom, 7. W. Nicholson. 278 761. Objective Changes on Surface of Mars. E. M. Antoniadi 279 762. Observations of Jupiter. F. Sargent 279 768. Albedo of the Planets and their Satellites. H. N. Russell. 279 764. Distances of the Heavenly Bodies. W. S. Eichelberger. 765. Spectrum of y Argús. W. M. Worssell 766. Distribution of Stars in Space. R. 7. Pocock 767. Change in Spectrum Period of RR Lyra. H. Shapley 280 280 280 768. Periods of Eclipsing Variables, S. D. Wicksell 769. Co-ordinates of Photographic Catalogue Stars. B. Baillaud & Pourtean. 280 280 LIGHT. 770. Vacuum-spectrograph for h.f. Spectra Investigations. M. Siegbahn & PACE E. Friman .... 771. Light Transmission through Telescopes, F. Kollmorgen 28) 772. Loschmidt Number. H. Dembcr.......... 28] 778. Photometry of West Indian Firefly. W. H. Pickering ... 281 774. Dispersion of Salts in Water. 4. Heyaweiller & O. Grube 282 775. Ultra-violet Metallic Spectra. F. A. Saunders . 282 776. Interference of Reversed Spectra. C. Barus 282 777. Pole-effect in Calcium Arc. H. G. Gale & W. T. Whing 283 778. Extension of Spectrum beyond Schumann Region. T. Lyma 283 779. Lithium Spectrum in an Electric Field. H. Lassem 283 284 780. Light Emission in Spectrum Series Lines. 7. Stark 781. Theory of Stark-effect. P. S. Epstein............. 284 782. Light Absorption and Fluorescence. B. C. C. Baly & F. G. Tryhor 284 783. High-frequency Spectra of the Elements. M. Siegbahn & E, Friman...... 285 784. High-frequency Spectra of the Elements. M. Siegbahn & E. Friman ...... 285 785. Spectrum of Röntgen Rays. O. 7. Zobel ....... 286 280 786. Energy of Secondary B-Rays. H. F. Biggs .... 280 787. Radio-active Fluctuations-using Unsaturated Currents. E. v. Schweidler 286 788. A New Element: Brevium. O. H. Göhring.... 287 789. Polonium Hydrogen Compound. R. W. Lawson 287 790. Radio-activity of Allanite. L. S. Pratt . 287 HEAT. 791. Diathermancy of Liquids. 7. Vallot. 792. Combustion of Explosive Gas-Air Mixtures. E. Terres & F. Plens 793. Characteristic Curves for CO,, SO,, NH, and Steam. B. Leinzueber. 794. Law of Distribution of Molecular Velocities. S. Chapman 795. Energy of Agitation in Isotropic Solids. M. Brillouin . 796. Entropy of Solid Solutions. O. Stern.. 28S 283 283 290 291 SOUND. 797. True Nature of Speech. F. B. Flowers... 798. Vibrations of a Rubbed String. H. Clark.. 799. ..... 800. Resonance Theory of Audition due to Helmholtz. F. A. Schulze 801. Pressure of Sound Waves. E. P. Lewis 292 292 293 293 203 ELECTRICITY AND MAGNETISM. 802. Electrodynamics of Dielectrics, P. Duhem .... 808. The Law of Electromagnetic Induction. L. Lombardi 801, Mobilities of Ions produced by Spraying Water. 7. 7. Nolan 294 291 294 805, Ions produced by Bubbling Air through Mercury. 7. A. MiChelland & P. J. Nolan ............... 295 806. Ionisation and Dissociation of Hydrogen Molecules. 296 A. 7. Dempster 607, Photoelectric Discharge from Leaves. 7. A. McClelland & R. Fingerald 808. Absorption of Gas by Quartz Vacuum Tubes. R. S. Willows & H. T. George 296 809. Light Sensitiveness of Selenium Crystals. K. 7. Dieterich .... 297 810. Mutual- and Self-induction of Circular Coils. S. Buttervorth 297 811. Mutual Induction of Eccentric Coils. S. Butterworth 297 812. Electrical Capacity of Gold-leaf Electroscopes. T. Barrall. 297 818. Specific Resistance of Thin Metal Layers. B. Pogany ...•.. 298 814. Method for Determination of Dielectric Constants. F. Tank 298 815. Propagation of Electricity through Paraffin Oil. G. G. de Vill montle 298 816. Thermal E.M.F.'s of Bad Conductors. A. Weissenberger ... 299 817. Variation of Manganin Resistances with Atmospheric Humidity. 7. Obata 299 818. Change of Length in Nickel Wires due to Transverse Fields. W. Brown 800 819. Torsonial Oscillations of Wires in Transverse Fields. W. Brown 800 820. Magnetic Particles and Rotating Particles. A. Korn.... 301 821. Land Magnetic Observations, 1911-1913. L. A. Bauer & J. A. Fleming 301 822. Magnetic Observations during Solar Eclipse, Aug. 21, 1914. D. L. Hazard 302 828. Magnetic Survey of Egypt and the Sudan. H. E. Hurst ... 302 CHEMICAL PHYSICS AND ELECTRO-CHEMISTRY. 824. Action of Sulphuric Acid on Alloy Steels. L. Aitchison 825. Corrosion Resistance of Copper Steel. D. M. Buck & 7. O. Handy 826. Transformation of Pure Iron... 827. The Corrosion of Metals, Ferrous and Non-ferrou 828. Statement of the Phase Rule. T. W. Richards .. 829. Density of Solutions of Copper Sulphate. M. D. Holler & E. L. Peffer 880. Structure of Semi-permeable Membranes. F. Tinker ......... 303 303 304 304 304 305 305 831. Relation of Osmose to Membrane Potential. F. E. Bartell & C. D. Hocker ......... 306 882. Relation of Osmose to Membrane Potentials. F. E. Bartell & C. D. Hocker.. 883. Density of Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid. W. R. Bousfiela 884. Osmotic Pressure or Osmotic Suction-which? F. Tinker..... 885. Vapour-pressures of Saturated Solutions. M. P. Applebey & W. Hughe 886. Exhibiting Velocity of Iodine Ions in Solution. S. W. 7. Smith 887. Dissociation of Hydrogen into Atoms. Z. Langmuir ..... 888. Explanation of the Migration of the lons. S. W. F. Smith . 889. New Method of Determining Ionic Velocities. (Mrs.] C. H. Grifith: 810. An Electro-chemical Action on Glass. F. P. S. Bryson... 841, Overvoltage. C. W. Bennett & 7. G. Thompson.... 842. Depolarisation by Electric Waves, W. D. Bancroft 848. Overvoltage and Monatomic Hydrogen. W. D. Bancroft 844. Passive State of Iron in Nitric Acid. F. G. Brown........ 306 307 807 308 308 309 309 809 309 310 810 310 311 845. Change of Potential of same Metal in Different Electrolytic Solutions. P. F. Hammond 311 846. Electrolysis of Nitric and Orthophosphoric Acids, using a Gold Anode. F. H. Feffery........ ......... 312 847. Electrolysis of Concentrated Hydrochloric Acids using a Copper Anode. F. H. Jeffery ... 848. Transference of Electricity by Colloidal Particles. F. Powis.

AUTHORS' INDEX. Aitchison, L., 824. Antoniadi, E. M., 761. Applebey, M. P., 885. Arctowski, H., 758, 759. Baillaud, B., 769. Baly, E. C. C., 782. Bancroft, W. D., 842, 843. Barnes, A. A., 751. Barratt, T., 812. Bartell, F. E., 831, 982. Barus, C., 776. Bauer, L. A., 821. Bennett, C. W., 841. Biggs, H. F., 786. Biscoe, F., 757. Bousfield, W. R., 833. Brillouin, M., 795. Brown, J. G., 844. Brown, W., 818, 819. Bryson, F. F. S., 840. Buck, D. M., 825. Butterworth, S., 810, 811. Chapman, S., 794. Charlier, C. V, L., 758. Clark, H., 798. Dember, H., 772. Deming, H. G., 745. Dempster, A. J., 806. Dieterich, K. J., 809, Duhem, P., 802. Eichelberger, W. S., 761. Epstein, P. S., 781, Esclangon, E., 749. Fitzgerald, R., 807. Fleming, J. A., 821. Flowers, J. B., 797. Friman, E., 770, 788, 784. Peffer, E. L., 829. Gale, H. G., 777. Pickering, W. H., 773, George, H. T., 508, Plenz, F., 792, Göhring, O, H., 788. Pocock, R. J., 766. Griffiths, C. H., [Mrs.] 889. Pogány, B., 813, Grube, O., 774. Pourteau, 769. Haigh, B. P., 747. Powis, F., 848. Hammond, P. F., 845. Pratt, L. S., 790. Handy, J. O.,825. Richards, T. W., 746, 823, Harris, G. W., 746. Russell, H. N., 763. Hazard, D. L., 822. Sargent, F., 762. Heydweiller, A., 774. Saunders, F. A., 775. Hocker, C. D., 831, 832. Schulze, F. A., 800 Holler, H. D., 829. v. Schweidler, E., 787. Hughes, TV., 835. Shapley, H., 767. Hurst, H. E., 823. Sieg, L. P., 748. Ishiwara, J., 752 Siegbahn, M., 770, 783, 78% Jeffery, F. H., 846, $47. Smith, S. W. J., 836, 838, Jeffreys, H., 756. de Sparre, 750. Kollmorgen, F., 771. Stark, J., 780. Korn, A., 820. Stern, O., 796. Langmuir, I., 837. Stewart, G. W., 799. Lawson, R. W., 789. Tank, F., 814. van Leeuwen, H. J., [Miss] Terada, T., 755. 754. Terres, E., 792. Leinweber, B., 793. Thompson, J. G., 841. Lewis, E. P., 801. Tinker, F., 830, 831. Lombardi, L., 803. Tryhorn, F. G., 782. Lüssem, H., 779. Vallot, J.,791. Lyman, T., 778. de Villemontée, G. G., 815. M'Clelland, J. A., 805, 807. Weissenberger, A., 816. Nicholson, J. W., 760. Whitney, W. T., 777. Nolan, J. J., 801, Wicksell, S. D., 768. Nolan, P. J., 805. Willows, R. S., 808, Obata, J., 817. Worssell, W. M., 765. Oehler, A. J., 748. Zobel, O. J., 785.

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