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HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This Historic Monday Night Raw TV Taping featured Michael Cole conducting an in-ring interview with Degeneration-X; as Cole attempted to ask a question, Michaels kissed Triple H on the lips and then did the same to Chyna; moments later, Triple H shoved Cole to the mat, with Cole then leaving the ring; Michaels then played air guitar on his belt, like Hollywood Hogan, as Triple H referenced the recent “Age in the Cage” Halloween Havoc main event; Michaels then said he would come out next week naked and face Ken Shamrock; after Sgt. Slaughter came out, Michaels and Triple H put on helmets with wipers to counter the implied spit from Slaughter talking; Slaughter then said Michaels would face Shamrock but it wouldn’t be next week, it would be later tonight:

full card 
WWF @ Hershey, PA – Hersheypark Arena – November 3, 1997 (5,661; sell out)

Salvatore Sincere pinned Brakkus with his feet on the ropes

Flash Funk pinned Tiger Ali Singh (w/ Tiger Jeet Singh) by reversing a Northern Lights suplex into a German suplex; after the match, Funk was double teamed

Shotgun – 11/8/97 – hosted by Jim Ross & Jim Cornette; included Tito Santana (as El Matador) defeating Carlos Cabrera in the Karate Fighters Holiday Tournament; included video packages highlighting the feuds between WWF IC Champion Owen Hart & Steve Austin and WWF World Champion Bret Hart & Shawn Michaels; included highlights from the previous Monday’s Raw is War of the Ken Shamrock vs. Shawn Michaels match:

Mankind defeated the Sultan via submission with the Mandible Claw at 2:32

Taka Michinoku & Scott Taylor defeated Pantera & Mosco when Taka pinned Mosco at 5:49 with the Michinoku Driver

The Road Dogg & Henry Godwinn (w/ Billy Gunn & Phinneas Godwinn) defeated Bradshaw & Headbanger Thrasher (w/ 
Barry Windham & Headbanger Mosh) at around the 6-minute mark when Henry pinned Thrasher after Road Dogg hit Thrasher with the timekeeper’s bell from the outside

Raw is War – featured Jim Ross & Jim Cornette on commentary for the 1st hour, with Ross, Vince McMahon, & Jerry Lawler on commentary for the 2nd hour; included an opening segment in which Vince McMahon interviewed Steve Austin regarding his upcoming IC title match with Owen Hart at the Survivor Series as well as his recent altercations with the Nation of Domination and Ahmed Johnson; moments later, Ahmed came out – with several referees trying to block him from the ring – and cut a promo on Austin costing him the IC title the previous week; the fans repeatedly chanted “Austin” during Ahmed’s promo and subsequent challenge to Austin to face him in the ring; moments later, Austin said he would be glad to face Ahmed; featured a pretaped segment in which Jim Ross interviewed Goldust & Marlena regarding the past several months; after Marlena talked about being happy to be home and back with her family and daughter, Goldust said he was tired of her crap, he found someone who understood him while Marlena was gone, and he then told her to take his ring and their marriage and shove it up her ass; included a lengthy segment detailing the feud between Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels; featured Ahmed Johnson coming out for his match against Steve Austin, which the commentators said wasn’t scheduled until later in the show, with Kane and Paul Bearer appearing moments later; Kane then dropped Ahmed with a chokeslam and two tombstones until Mankind appeared, applied the Mandible Claw on Bearer, and hit Kane over the head with a pipe; Mankind then protected Ahmed on the floor with a steel chair as Kane sat up inside the ring; included Austin cutting an in-ring promo, saying what Ahmed got was nothing compared to what he would have done to him, and then made an open challenge for anyone to come out and take Ahmed’s place in a fight, with Farooq, Rocky Maivia, Kama, and D-Lo Brown then coming out; just as the Nation went to get in the ring, the Legion of Doom attacked them from behind, allowing Austin to drop Kama with the Stunner and then leave ringside as the brawl continued; featured Michael Cole conducting an in-ring interview with Degeneration-X; as Cole attempted to ask a question, Michaels kissed Triple H on the lips and then did the same to Chyna; moments later, Triple H shoved Cole to the mat, with Cole then leaving the ring; Michaels then played air guitar on his belt, like Hollywood Hogan, as Triple H referenced the recent “Age in the Cage” Halloween Havoc main event; Michaels then said he would come out next week naked and face Ken Shamrock; after Sgt. Slaughter came out, Michaels and Triple H put on helmets with wipers to counter the implied spit from Slaughter talking; Slaughter then said Michaels would face Shamrock but it wouldn’t be next week, it would be later tonight:

WWF Light Heavyweight Title Tournament Quarter Finals: Aguila pined Super Loco with a twisting splash off the top at 5:12; Sunny was the guest ring announcer for the bout and Brian Christopher did guest commentary for the match
Marc Mero (w/ Sable) pinned Savio Vega with the TKO after a low blow behind the referee’s back at 2:33; prior to the bout, Mero shoved a cameraman out of the way backstage and barged into Sable’s dressing room to grab her as she was topless; moments later, a pretaped promo from Vega was shown in which he said he would get revenge on Mero for what he did to Miguel Perez; after the match, Michael Cole attempted to interview Sable at ringside but Mero interrupted and said if he wanted to interview a superstar he could interview Mero; moments later, Jim Ross said Goldust had sustained a broken hand and plugged the WWF Hotline to find out how that happened

Vader defeated Davey Boy Smith (w/ Jim Neidhart, Doug Furnas, & Phil LaFon) in a No DQ dog collar match at 3:34, despite interference from the other members of Team Canada; prior to the bout, it was announced Vader would lead Team USA members Marc Mero and Goldust at the Survivor Series and that the Patriot, who was suffering from a torn tricep, would be replaced in the match; during the match, Michael Cole interviewed LaFon & Furnas at ringside as to why they were returning as part of Team Canada at the Survivor Series, with Furnas saying the team received support from around the world following their car wreck months earlier but no support from the fans in America; immediately after the match, a fan came into the ring and dropped several members of Team Canada until he was covered and protected by Vader as referees attempted to break up the fight; moments later, two policemen escorted the man from the ring (the surprise debut of Steve Blackman)

Billy Gunn & the Road Dogg defeated Jose Estrada Jr. & Jesus Castillo when Road Dogg pinned Estrada at 5:22 following a flying fistdrop from Gunn behind the referee’s back as Estrada covered Road Dogg after lifting Road Dogg up for a powerbomb and then dropping him face first onto the top turnbuckle

Ken Shamrock defeated WWF European Champion Shawn Michaels (w/ Chyna & Triple H) via disqualification at around the 11-minute mark when Triple H and Rick Rude, who came ringside mid-way through the match, interfered after Shamrock reversed a superkick attempt into the ankle lock; after the match, Triple H dropped Shamrock with the Pedigree onto Rude’s metal briefcase to end the show

Dark Match after the show: Steve Austin, the Undertaker, & WWF Tag Team Champions the Legion of Doom defeated Farooq, the Rock, D-Lo Brown, & Kama when Austin pinned Farooq with the Stunner