Size: 415 * 195 * 2mm
Product name: Beeswax hive honeycomb
Product advantages: smooth workmanship, soft and moderate.
Sales unit: 1 box of 30 tablets
Product use: help bees to make nests
Product Category: Beekeeping
Application: Beekeeper Beekeeping Tools
There are two main types of nesting bases: wax nesting bases and plastic nesting bases. Beekeepers mainly use wax nesting bases. Wax made honeycomb bases are made mainly from beeswax and pressed by a honeycomb base machine, including Chinese honeycomb bases and Italian honeycomb bases, which are respectively used by Chinese bees and Western bees. The spleen produced by using the nest foundation is neat and sturdy, which is conducive to the feeding and management of the bee colony.
The foundation used by beekeepers is purchased from specialized foundation manufacturers.
(1) The nest base should be made of pure beeswax. If the mineral wax content in the nest base is high, bees will not secrete wax on it to make the spleen. However, all the product bases produced in our country are not made with truly pure beeswax, so when purchasing, it is important to carefully select bases that contain over 70% pure beeswax.
(2) The eye of the nest base must be made according to the size standard of the worker bee hive. The width of the standard bee nest base is 5.31 millimeters, and the width of the middle bee nest base is 4.61 millimeters. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that the entire nest spleen is flat, the eyes are consistent, and there are no male beehives.
(3) The foundation is sturdy and not easily deformed.