Titled: Bunny Boy Honey Boy (Self Portrait)

Size: 42”x30”

oil pastel, oil bar, finger paint, watercolor on paper

Ray Caspio's art is a vibrational language that speaks to souls. Through an intuitive psychophysical process, Caspio uses his body and practice as a medium for truth, transformation, and healing. Ray's atmospheric, expressive, gestural works range from confessional to camp, and include painting, drawing, illustration, photography, text, sound, video, and performance. All of Ray's works penetrate autobiographical and satirical themes, often riding the intersection between the personal and the political. Caspio questions and explores Self, society, memory, addiction, loss, political narratives, the subconscious, Pop, Queerness, and the grace and beauty of the male form.

Ray is inspired by Expressionism, Neo-Expressionism, the Weimar Republic, 1960s & '70s pop culture, superheroes, secret identities, homoeroticism, nature, and occult processes. Caspio's practice is a response to the aggression and division of our sociopolitical life that scapegoats and attempts to closet the Queer population, as well as the times in his life when pressure, fear, and shame causes him to disconnect from himself, his body, and his truth. It is an act of healing and liberation, and a call to free ourselves to be who we are.