Here’s a Sansui XR-Q7 direct drive turntable from the early 80s. IYKYK!

(If you don’t:

This could be an absolute beast of a turntable… with a bit of work. I think it’s mainly fairly simple stuff for anyone with the tools/workshop/knowledge - but I only have half of one of those so I’m cutting my losses and getting a new modern turntable.

It’s basically working fine: it plays records! Nonetheless there are some issues requiring work.

Here are the issues:

Arm lift mechanism: currently working but extremely slowly. I think this is because it’s currently got an ordinary rubber band in place of the original belt, so it’s slipping a bit. Occasionally it gets to the end of a side and struggles to lift, to the point where it trips something and the platter stops spinning with the stylus still down. I think it just needs a belt that’s a better fit and less stretchy than a rubber band, but I guess some lubrication of the arm lift motor/mechanism wouldn’t hurt.

Silent Synchrotor: this locks in just fine at 33rpm but struggles at 45 - the ‘locked’ light flashes off/on now and then and there’s noticeable pitch instability. No idea how to solve this.

Audio out & earth connection: I attempted to replace the horrible original cables… but having cut and de-soldered it from the board I encountered several issues with getting my new cable to fit the existing grommet, etc etc (can’t remember, tbh) so I kludged it by soldering the new cables (including a very heavy-duty earth cable!) direct to the board - see picture. This works fine but is obviously extremely fragile and probably won’t survive transportation. So installing a new cable, properly, will probably be your initial priority.

Bottom: weirdly this came to me with rubber feet but no actual bottom to the plinth - so all the insides are exposed underneath. I got as far as getting a piece of particleboard cut to size (might need trimming by a few mm) and will include this.

Overall condition other than all the above: not bad for its age. A bit shabby here and there. The lid has no major scratches but I wouldn’t call it a thing of beauty…

The pictured cartridge is NOT INCLUDED.

Owing to size, weight and fragility I’m listing this as collection only; if you’re somewhere in/near SE London I may be able to deliver or meet halfway but please check with me first before bidding.

Any questions, just ask.