I'm also going to send you 15 more hours of free lessons via download.

All Lessons Are Taught By Me, Scott Grove
I Make Every On Myself, No Artwork, No Cover.
Simply Comes On A DVD ROM COMPUTER DISC In A Case As Shown Above.
All videos are playable on your computer only and are wmv. files.

The Photo With The Title Of This Lesson Is Simply To Let You Know The Name Of The Lessons.

Every single musician ends up with a HUGE pile of worthless videos stacked up in the corner of 
their music room. Don't make the same mistake that myself and every one of my customers have 
done in the past. The most common thing I hear from my customers is "Man, where were you back 
when I first started playing"? Don't fall for the other methods. I'll get you there. Nobody has the feedback
 I have because nobody teaches like I do. If you leave this ad without hitting the buy button, then I'm 
not worried, because you'll be back after the next video you buy fails you like all the others.

Plain and simple...these will take you from the very beginnings of guitar all the way through all of the 
steps that you could ever ask for.  So, in short...I'll take you from beginner to pro with these videos
 and I'll do it quicker than you can imagine.

It just keeps getting bigger and better at the same price!

You won't learn this much in 5 years of private guitar lessons!

SHHHHHH...don't tell anyone....but, I even send you an EXTRA 15 hours of 
FREE LESSONS to download and keep!  HOLY COW!

Check the video samples below for a small preview of some of the licks you'll learn.  
They don't stop there.  There are so many more!
You simply won't find a course 
anywhere else like this one.  Why?...Because it works.

Watch These Video Intros For An Idea Of What Is Taught In This Course.

You will receive all of these videos on one DVD ROM!
It only plays on your computer. All videos are wmv. files. 


Just check the video clip below for a very small example of the things that will be taught.  These include 
all of your major chords, different strumming patterns, what chords go together to form chords, 
how to know what to look for in a PLAYABLE guitar. 

Of course tuning and some nice, fun music at the end for inspiration to continue on the other couple of
 lessons in my acoustic series that will take them as far as they will ever need to go....and all for less than 
a month's worth of lessons with a private teacher and also this information would take that same teacher years 
and years of milking you for your money to show you half of what my courses WILL do for you.  Just take this first 
step to something that will be with you for a lifetime...the gift of music.


Introduction only for my beginner guitar lessons Scott Grove


Video will open in a new window


2.  Acoustic Guitar Beyond The Basics DVD Lessons. 

So, you've learned the basic chords and you're just banging out the same old 3 chord songs but 
you know there's more to guitar playing....what do you do next?

This is where my "Beyond the Basics" course comes in. This hour long video will teach you more than you 
could learn in years of private lessons. Yes, it really does. I teach you to play melodies within chords, all the notes
 and scales within your chords to make you playing more MUSICAL. You will sound like a true Guitar Player 
and not just a person who plays guitar in no time.



Acoustic Video Promo


Video will open in a new window


3.  Advanced Acoustic Guitar Lessons. 

This set of licks and chops really digs in to the advanced part of playing acoustic guitar. I teach you all 
of the barre chords, minor chords, blues, rock and country phrasings in your rhythm playing, then I take you 
into some lead guitar that fits in great with your acoustic playing. I start you right out of the gate with one of the 
fastest licks known to man, but I make it easy. Sure to impress everybody including yourself. 
When you're ready.......order your Advanced Acoustic Guitar Course!


Advanced Acoustic Guitar Video Introduction Scott Grove


Video will open in a new window


4.  Right Hand Picking Techniques!

This video concentrates strictly on the right hand.
So, in short, you will not be learning any chops or licks or chords
(that's a different video).
This video is only for your right hand techniques.

I take you step by step through different picking patterns with your pick, including strumming, alternate 
string picking patterns, rock and blues type strumming and more. I also take you through finger picking 
styles. After you have learned all of your chords, you need the right hand skills that I show you to break up 
your playing a bit. Anybody can bang on the guitar all day, but a true guitar player has to know several styles
 of picking in order to create different kinds of music and invoke different moods. This is a must have 
video for pretty much everyone. (You know who you are).


Picking techniques promo video


Video will open in a new window



I take you through all of the basic strumming patterns that are popular with today's and yesterday's music.  
I will take you through waltz, typical, rock, folk and more patterns that will help you with that pesky right 
hand that doesn't want to cooperate for some reason.
If you can get the chords down but find that you were born without soul.  That's right, you have no rhythm...then t
hat's where I come in...Dr. Scott is here to heal you.

This is a one hour lesson devoted to help the rhythmically challenged to become a player that other folks
 can actually listen to and tap their feet to in time.


Basic Strumming Guitar Lessons Intro Scott Grove


Video will open in a new window



You know all of your regular guitar chords, the majors and minors...but now what?  You want to learn all those 
great country and classic rock songs but you don't know how to string all of those chords together to play your favorite songs.
This is the proven way to learn those songs faster than you ever thought possible.

I will teach you the Nashville Number System in a way that you can't fail.  This method takes ALL of the 
guess work out of figuring out songs.  No more plunking through chord after chord trying to find the ones 
that you are missing.  This shows you exactly what chords you are allowed to play and not play in 
every key.  No memorizing a bunch of junk, just a simple way devised a long time ago to eliminate guess work.

EVERYBODY needs to know this...not just country players.

An amazing songwriting tool that is too valuable to pass up.  You won't believe that you've 
got through your musical life without knowing this.


Intro for Nashville Number System Country Video Scott Grove


Video will open in a new window



This video is the one to get if you ever want to truly LEARN how to 
play the guitar and play it the right way.

I actually make you think and think and think on this one.  Is this the most fun video I've ever done?  
NO, not by a long shot.  But it is one that everybody that actually wants to know how to figure things 
out for themselves actually needs.  This video was designed for those who are just past the beginner 
stages and know a few chords but don't have a clue as to why those chords even make sense.
I actually teach you the "MATH" if you will, of playing.  The theory involved and needed to truly 
understand what it is that you are playing so that you are not constantly just guessing at how to play things correctly.
Check out the video to see only a small sample of what I will
teach you.  It explains exactly what kinds of things that this video brings to the table and why you really NEED this one.


Basic Guitar Theory Introduction Scott Grove Lessons


Video will open in a new window



In this video I teach you everything that a capo is REALLY used for.  It is NOT just a cheating device 
for lazy guitarists who only want to play a couple of chords and call it a day because such a device can 
make is so easy to not have to learn anything else to make you sound good.

Proper capo use can add true flavor to any song or arrangement, allow you to play things in some keys that 
are impossible in other keys, and it can be turned upside down for even more great things that you will have to see to believe.

A capo is a MUST for every musician and the proper knowledge of all the ways to use one is just as important.  
Just check out the video that is playing below for a very small sample of what can be accomplished by applying a capo into your playing.





Video will open in a new window



Did you ever want to learn how to play slide guitar? Have you noticed that every time you try to do 
it...it sounds horrible?  I'm going to fix all that in one easy lesson that will have you playing like a pro in no time.

My Acoustic Slide Guitar video varies slightly from my electric slide guitar video, so I would recommend 
getting one or the other, which ever suits your playing style.

I'll actually show you the RIGHT way to play slide guitar and believe it or not, at least 90% of the people 
are doing it (and showing it to you) wrong.  Step aboard and let me show you the right way to conquer this thing once and for all.


Introduction for my Acoustic Slide Guitar Video Scott Grove


Video will open in a new window


There is no need for reading music or tablature as I teach you in a way
 that you will fully understand and be able to follow without the need for any paper work. 

Never Leave Anything Less Than A Positive Feedback Without Talking To Me First. 
My Return Policy Is That If You Simply HATE The Lesson Or It Breaks In Transit 
Or If I Accidentally Send you the wrong one, You Keep The Product And I 100% Refund 
You (Shipping And All).  If You Require A Replacement Disc, Just Toss 
The Old One And I'll Send You A New On At NO CHARGE.
And now we get to cover the feedback portion of this.
About the 4 questions you will be asked when rating this transaction: PLEASE READ!
1. How accurate was the item description?
I give you the exact description of what you are getting. You are getting your disc (s) on a HP Lightscribe disc 
that is playable via the following media options. If you purchased the DVD format, 
it is playable on any DVD player. On most of my DVD's there is a start up screen that loops over and over 
until you press PLAY. You would be surprised at how many folks write to me and say that the video won't work
 when they haven't pressed the play button. The other option is the CD ROM or DVD ROM, t
these are meant to be played on your computer only and will play on Windows Media Player or Flip4Mac
 if you are using an Apple or Macintosh system. These videos are written, owned, taught, and packaged by me. 
They are sent with the disc in a CD cover and put into a bubble padded mailer and sent to you. 
They are not sealed. I do all of my own packaging from beginning to end. If you want a cool, full color product,
 please shop elsewhere. If you want great lessons taught by one of the best instructors around, 
then you came to the right place but, you simply don't get a pretty package. Every single disc is played and 
inspected by me before it ships out. If you do experience any problem with any of my products, I will gladly ship you a brand new one
 (no need to return the defective disc) or I will immediately refund 100% of your money...no questions asked. 
So...you know EXACTLY what you are getting when you agree to this purchase.
2. How satisfied were you with the customer's communication?
I send a confirmation letter to each and every buyer letting you know that I have received your payment
 and that your product will be shipped the same or next business day. If any further communication
 is wanted from me....simply ask.
3. How quickly did the seller SHIP the item?
This is always a fun one when people ask me when it will get there. I have no clue. I ship the same day or the 
next business day (yes, there are Sundays and sometimes holiday weekends when the post office is
 closed) in which case I will ship as soon as their doors open. My wife works for the post office and takes an
 arm full of videos with her to work every day. The question is ...How quickly did the seller SHIP the item? 
Not "how quickly did it get there". I do not drive the postal truck, so I have no clue how fast each driver
 drives or where it is snowing. I ship first class U.S.P.S. mail and I ship right away. So, look for the
 post mark on your bubble mailer and see just how fast I SHIP the item....as that is the question being asked.
4. How reasonable were the shipping and handling charges? Shipping rates are now electronically calculated. 
You only pay thee actual cost. All shipping costs are now calculated by where you live. These costs are figured out by Ebay's shipping system, not by me.