20 x 4 LCD Module With I2C & Serial & Keypad Controller & Keypad

What You Get

This will need assembly so a soldering Iron and some skill is required. 

For further information see the data sheet, due to ebay policy cannot provide a link here, look for ByVac or BV4618

LCD Size
Size: 98 x 60 x 14
Viewing Area: 76 x 25.2
Character size: 2.95 x 4.75


The keypad is plug compatible with the controller, fit the pin head and plug it in.

This can form a complete user interface using either serial or I2C communication it will attach to any LCD display that uses the HD44780 or similar controller. It is user configurable for displays having up to 4 lines and 80 characters. Automatic scrolling takes place at the end of a line and also at the bottom of the display freeing the host software form mundane tasks. The display as 3 interface options that are automatically selected when that interface is connected:

1) Serial Interface

The serial interface has automatic Baud Rate selection form a set of pre-defined Baud rates up to 115200. The selection is done on receiving the first character that is carriage return (byte value 12 or \r). All bytes sent to the display will be displayed and automatic scrolling takes place at the end of a line and bottom of the screen. There is also a set of commands starting with ESC (byte value 27) that are used to control the display such as clearing a line, character positioning, clearing the display etc. Escape commands are also used to input bytes from the keypad.

2) RS232

The controller will also accept input directly from a COM port and automatically detect this. The interface is then the same as the serial interface.

3) I2C Interface

This option is automatically detected because the I2C data line has a pull up resistor. The I2C address is user configurable in software and held in EEPROM. Controlling the display is via commands in exactly the same way as the serial interface.

LCD Interface

The controller will interface to a 16 pin LCD Display module, the first 14 pins are for the LD display and the last two pins control the back light. This will work with all HD44789 and equivalent controllers which are fitted to just about every character type display. The controller is set for a 16 x 2 display by default but can be changes to any combination of lines and character widths, up to 4 lines and 80 characters.

Keypad Interface

There is provision for up to a 4x4 (16 key) keypad. The keypad is connected to the controller via the pads provided. There is also an interrupt output that will go low when there is any key in the 16 byte buffer and goes high when all the values have been removed from the buffer. The host software need not monitor the controller constantly as any key pressed will be captured by the controller for later access.

The controller works from 3V to 5V and so is suitable for 3.3V logic, however most displays require 5V. It also comes with the fixing kit and two angled connectors so that either interface can be used. See additional images

Controller Features