CAN YOU SEE THE FACE ?  Many cannot at first!  It is there! 

A 7" x 5.25" black and white print, mounted on 3/8", solid fiberboard.  The fiberboard has a black and gray, marbled, finish on its edges, giving the print an attractive frame. (See 3rd photo)  Hanging materials are included. 

See the story, as printed on the bottom of the plaque, below.

It was during the Japanese invasion of China.  In the midst of ruin and despair the Chinese people were turning to Christ for hope and strength.  But for one Chinese photographer, accepting Christ was not so easy.  His mind was troubled as he was driving through the countryside during winter.  Many of his friends were embracing the Christian faith but he needed more proof than what the missionaries were saying.

He said, “Lord, please give a sign and I would believe.” At that moment a voice inside him said, “Take a picture! Take a picture!”  He stopped the vehicle and looked at the snow, the leafless trees and bare earth around him.  It was not a pretty sight to photograph.  But he stopped, focused his camera on the snowy scene by the roadside and took a picture.

He rushed home to develop the film and print the picture.  From out of the black and white areas of the picture a face looked at him, full of love and tenderness - the face of Christ!

He became a Christian and to this day the story and picture of Christ who revealed Himself to the Chinese people in their hour of need has been passed from village to village converting many to the Savior throughout China.

  (Copyright. 1993. Epiphany Press. All rights reserved.)

New, this wall plaque is in excellent condition.