"Bilder aus dem Altertume" - "Pictures from the Ancient World"

- Münchener Bilderbogen-


no reserve




IX - Griechenland - No. 394

Im Gymnasium: Platoniker, Epikuräer, Cyniker, Ringer - At the Gym: Platonists, Epicurists, Cynics, Wrestler
Seeräuber, Kampf zur See, Bärenjagd - Pirates, Sea Battle, Bear Hunting

Greece - Ancient Culture of Greece

Classical Period (500-336 BC) - Classical period of ancient Greek history, is fixed between about 500 B. C., when the Greeks began to come into conflict with the kingdom of Persia to the east, and the death of the Macedonian king and conqueror Alexander the Great in 323 B.C. In this period Athens reached its greatest political and cultural heights: the full development of the democratic system of government under the Athenian statesman Pericles; the building of the Parthenon on the Acropolis; the creation of the tragedies of Sophocles, Aeschylus and Euripides; and the founding of the philosophical schools of Socrates and Plato.

This over 140 years old original antique handcolored wood engraving is taken from the rare first edition of
Heinrich Leutemann's famous work „Bilder aus dem Altertume“, published in the "Münchener Bilderbogen"
by Braun & Schneider, Munich/Germany, 1880.

Heinrich Leutemann (1824 - 1905) was a German animal painter and illustrator born in Leipzig.
He worked for magazines like the "Gartenlaube", "Illustrierte Zeitung", "Über Land und Meer"
and the "Münchener Bilderbogen". For the latter he created two series known as
"Bilder aus dem Altertume" (Pictures of the Ancient World) and "Die Welt in Bildern" (The World in Pictures).

The "Münchener Bilderbogen" (Munich picture sheets) were a series of broadsides issued by publishers Braun & Schneider in Munich from 1848 to 1898 every 14 days. This series contains exciting pictures about Antiquity and the Ancient World of Egypt, the Roman Empire, Assyria & Greece. Finally the "Bilderbogen" comprises a total of over 1200 pictures published in the course of  50 years. Many other famous artists of the day like Albert Adamo, Wilhelm Busch, Wilhelm von Diez, Franz Kreuzer, Lothar Meggendorfer, Andreas Müller, Adolf Oberländer, Franz Graf Pocci, and Moritz von Schwind contributed their prowess to the sucess of the whole project.

double-folio approx. 17.1" x 13.4" / 43.5 cm x 34 cm with middle fold

The condition of the plate is very good (light foxing marks but my scanner was not able to scan them because they are too pale!!). The colors are remarkable, as they
are vibrant and clear on the fine creamy-white smooth paper.

All my prints are ORIGINAL ANTIQUES!!!
The delivery is accompanied with a copy of the original title page!!!

I accept PayPal, or you can use ebay payment.

Single shipping for this item - including packaging - is

$ 8.00 World Airmail & Europe
$ 5.00 Germany
I can combine shipments when you have bid on multiple items to save on postage.



Click HERE to see all of my eBay auctions.




(fuer alle deutschen Kunden/only for German Customers)


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