XL Mylar Packet - Great Bulrush Seeds
Gold Vault Mylar Zip Packet

  The soft stems of this native plant were once used by Native Americans for fine weaving purposes. Though not a true rush, this member of the sedge family provides forage for water birds and small rodents. Occasionally, even the regal trumpeter swan and the Canada goose eat its foliage. A tough plant, it survives many types of hardship and is often used for erosion control or wetland restoration. The genus name "Scirpus" is the Latin term for bulrush.

  Direct sow either in late fall or early spring. Press the seed into the surface of the soil, compacting the soil very firmly. For spring planting, mix the seeds with moist sand and store in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting. Keep the soil saturated until germination.

  These seeds are non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), and are also free from all Neonicotinoids.  They are packaged in our superb Gold Mylar Mylar Zip Packaging, which gives the seeds the best storage possible, and allows you to reseal the bag for later use.  The artwork and labels on the packet are loaded with information - many people comment that it is the most beautiful packet that they have ever seen.  If you have never tried out our seeds before, this is your chance to experience something special!