XL Mylar Packet - Blue Camass Seeds
Gold Vault Mylar Zip Packet

  According to botanist Leslie Haskin, "There is more romance and adventure clustered about the camas root and flower than about almost any other American plant." Because of its edible bulbs, this plant was a culinary delicacy for Native Americans and early settlers. Traditionally, the bulbs were cooked slowly for several days to achieve a sweet, nutty flavor. They could also be dried and ground for flour or boiled down to a sweet syrup. Meriwether Lewis discovered this plant growing in the Quamash flats near the foot of the Rocky Mountains, and documented his find on June 23, 1806 of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. In his diary, he records that Blue Camass in bloom "resembles lakes of fine clear water, so complete in the deception that on first sight I could have sworn it was water."

  For best results, direct sow outdoors in the fall; plant just below the surface of the soil. This seed may be slow to germinate, taking anywhere from 1-6 months. For spring planting, mix the seed with moist sand and store it in the refrigerator for 60 days before planting.

  These seeds are non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organisms), and are also free from all Neonicotinoids.  They are packaged in our superb Gold Mylar Mylar Zip Packaging, which gives the seeds the best storage possible, and allows you to reseal the bag for later use.  The artwork and labels on the packet are loaded with information - many people comment that it is the most beautiful packet that they have ever seen.  If you have never tried out our seeds before, this is your chance to experience something special!