Finally!  80's Old School Skate videos digitally transferred to DVD with original artwork and 80's music.

OHIO SKATEOUT - (C) MCMLXXXVIII - Sponsored by Cow Skates, Transworld Skateboarding, Gotcha and NSI VIDEO. Witness 57  of the world's Top Pros on the hottest course to date, as they battle it out Head-toHead for $6,500 in cash!!! Shot live at HARA ARENA -DAYTON OHIO                                                                                         FEATURED SKATERS: Tommy Guerrero * Christian Hosoi * Bill Danforth * Bill Tocco * Kele Rosecranes * Mark Gonzales * Billy Ruff * Scott Oster * Rob Roskopp * Tony Hawk * Mark Rogowski * Reese Simpson * Mike McGill * Johnee Kop * Jef Hartsel and Neil Blender.

This Historical Document is one of a collection of  80's Vintage Skate Boarding videos shot by NSI Video, and Gerard Ravel - a Pioneer Skate filmmaker...  (Approx. 60 minutes)