1666 1st ed Memoires of Bourdeille Brantome Sexuality Military Letters 7v SET


"Every beautiful woman who once tried the game of love never unlearned it." – Pierre de Bourdeille, Brantome; The lives of the gallant ladies


The Memoires of de Bourdeille Brantome were not printed until 1665/66, more than 50 years after his death. Interestingly, he left orders and directions within his manuscripts on how he wanted them printed. Unfortunately, because they appeared so much later, they were not very complete (Chisholm, 1911). These memoires are not considered a very trustworthy source of information, but because of his writing style, controversial content, and naïve observations, they have been somewhat popular amongst the courtly. His work give a passable picture of what court-life looked like during the turn of the 16th-century, but was this picture was what was most controversial. Printed as a separate section, “Les Vies des Dames” or The Lives of the Gallant Ladies, explores the sexual promiscuity and depicts practices of lesbianism and even some sado-masochistic tendencies of the court members. It also includes an explicit description of female private parts.


Item number: #326

Price: $750


BRANTOME, Pierre de Bourdeille de


Mémoires De Messire Pierre de Bourdeille, Seigneur de Brantome : Contenans Les Vies des Hommess Illustres [et] grands Capitaines François de son temps…Les Vies des Dames Illustres


Leyde (Leiden) : J. Sambix le jeune, 1666/1665. First edition.



·       Collation complete with all pages:

·       vol 1/2 – [8], 308, 300. (Copac)

·       vol 3 – [8], 407, [1] – “Les Vies des Dames Illustres” (1665)

·       vol 4-7 – [8], 417; [4], 404; [4], 442; [2], 351, [1]

§  Les Vies des Dames Illustres” (1666)

·       Binding: Leather; tight & secure

·       Language: French

·       Provenance:

·       Bookplate – Stafford H. Northcote

§  Stafford Henry Northcote, 1st Earl of Iddesleigh GCB PC FRS (27 October 1818 – 12 January 1887), known as Sir Stafford Northcote, Bt, from 1851 to 1885, was a British Conservative politician.

§  He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer between 1874 and 1880 and as Foreign Secretary between 1885 and 1886, and was one of only two people to hold the office of First Lord of the Treasury without being Prime Minister.

·       Handwritten – Henrietta Lockburn

·       Size: ~5in X 3in (13cm x 8cm)



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