girls age 2-3 years old

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Merrell Junior Girl's Sydney Z-Rap Shoes: The Merrell Sydney Z-Rap Junior - Girl's Shoes will float over, down and under outside obstacles in this cushioned comfort. The Sydney's Z-rap™ one-pull closure battens down the hatches of flexible Strobel construction, while the heel's impact-absorbing Merrell® air cushion and stabilizing Seahorse Jr. cupsole below keep her steady as she goes. Material: UPPER/LINING - Strobel construction offers flexibility and comfort Suede and mesh upper Z-rap™ Closure System provides personalized, secure fit in one pull Breathable mesh lining Removable EVA foam pigskin leather footbed with Aegis® antimicrobial solution MIDSOLE/OUTSOLE Merrell® air cushion in the heel absorbs shock and adds stability using an EVA Midsole for cushioning the heel absorbs shock and adds stability using an EVA Midsole for cushioning Merrell Seahorse Jr. Cupsole/Non-Marking sole T