Each wonderful book in this series celebrates classic machines. They are the vehicles that attract as many admiring glances as any pretty girl, the ones most of us would gladly give up a limb just to have our pictures taken next to. Inside these gloriously indulgent pages, you will find images of everything from Corvettes to Rolls Royces, from Indian Chiefs to Ducattis, from Spitfires and Hellcats to Lear Jets, from the Flying Scotsman to Hiawatha. Accompanying the photographs are quotes from famous people who also happen to love the rev of an engine. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.
Hardcover: 112 pages
Publisher: MQ Publications Ltd (October 18, 2000)
ISBN-10: 1903318165
ISBN-13: 978-1903318164
Product Dimensions: 5.4 x 4.9 x 0.6 inches