Fossil trilobites of the Order:Prortida Genus:Gerastos ainrasifus described by Gibb, Stacey and Chatterton.

The highly inflated glabella (head shield), with an erupting and pustulose ornamentation to the surface, 
flanked with large bulbous holochroal eye lenses which rest above the librigene (free cheeks). 
This genus of trilobite maybe be small (actual trilobites each approx 20mm overall), 
however, G.ainrasifus seems to be puffing itself up as if to say " here I am! "

'every specimen trilobite has charactor, an alien from the past still here entombed forever within sight'

These fossil trilobites have been conserved and cleaned using the latest techniques of air micro-abrasive systems in a qualified Laboratory, 
no fillers or mediums used to enhance these specimen, they are all entirely genuine, 
have been presented out of the limestone fossil bed layer enabling an exhibit to the best possible accent for display and study. 
An object or gift of curiosity that will last forever. 
Once a living animal now entombed steadfast in the original limestone which amply displays the attributes of this genus type. 
It is quite safe to handle, a sturdy solid fossil which one can feel undulations and tubercles of the surface, 
once the chitin exoskeleton of the marine arthropods, similar to the shell of a modern horseshoe crab. 

A great experience for young palaeontologists to handle a first bumpy-lumpy extinct fossil trilobite.

''We supply these fossils with signed authentication certificates lucite clear dispaly stand and free UK shipping.''

Type Gerastos ainrasifus trilobite, Class Trilobita, Order Proetida, Suborder 

Genus: Gerastos ainrasifus described by Gibb, Stacey and Chatterton 
Geological Age: Palaeozoic era, early Devonian, Middle Devonian, basal Eifelian stage, 393 to 388 millions years.
Geological Origin: Taboumakhloüf Formation, Jebel Mrakib, Maïder Region, near Alnif, Morocco.
You will receive a specimen trilobite with documentation with the dimensions stated below.

Average measurements of each supplied

Height: 10 mm
Length: 20 - 25 mm
Width: 12 - 15 mm

Average block/matrix measurement

Height: 20 - 40 mm
Length: 35 - 55 mm
Width: 30 - 40 mm